A Tale of Two Speeches…

Rebecca Aguilar
7 min readJan 16, 2016


Bernie privately speaking with precinct captains in Ottumwa, Ia.
Donald Trump in Ottumwa, IA (Nathan Palm, Photo Credit, )
Mike Huckabee (R) with Larry Zimmerman at Country Kitchen, Ottumwa, IA
Rand Paul (R) at Ottumwa’s Pizza Ranch (Taylor Johnson, photo credit)

From “Feeling The Bern” to “Making America Great Again”, Southeast Iowa has had plenty of opportunity to see the presidential candidates for ourselves, and hear more than catchy slogans. With just a couple weeks left till the Iowa Caucus, the excitement is mounting as presidential hopefuls visit our normally quiet corner. In just the past couple of weeks, anyone who might stand a chance at POTUS has come to visit us rural voters.

Senator Bernie Sanders came thru town December 30th. We opened the doors at 6pm to register over 800 locals waiting to hear what he had to say. I signed people in from all over Southeast Iowa, many from Fairfield, and Oskaloosa. I was most excited to see people from my own precinct. I took every moment and opportunity I had to share about the Iowa Caucus. I was encouraged at all those willing to commit to caucus for Bernie right on the spot. We gathered hundreds of support cards that evening. Those who came out heard a positive, exciting, speech that focused on the issues Americans face today. His crowd was engaging; Bernie often had to make time for everyone to calm down enough just to let him, speak. Senator Sanders opened with points about our need for criminal justice reform, and taking marijuana out of the controlled substance act. He mentions the need for transparency, and accountability of the police. He recognizes and spoke about institutional racism and our need to significantly reduce the number imprisoned within this country. He touched on low wages, pay equity for women, and how they should have the right to control their own bodies. He also points out his disagreement with the Republican Party who “Does not believe” our gay brothers and sisters have the right to marry. His entire speech was issue based, on point, and made it very clear about where he stands on today’s issues. He then went in to detailed points on our flawed healthcare system and the need for not only paid family and medical leave, but for universal healthcare for all. Adding how we are the only industrialized nation who doesn’t provide healthcare as a right to its people. Bernie brought up our rigged economy and political system. He points out the need to overturn Citizens United and was quoted saying “As the result of the disastrous decision made by the Supreme Court our democratic foundations are being undermined.” There was much excitement and applause for his position on this subject. He states how billions are poured into campaign finance as a result of this terrible decision. Senator Sanders spoke on trade policies, Wall Street corruption and our need to regulate. He points out our need to break up the big banks because they hold so much economic and political power in this country. With each subject Bernie provides facts that are undeniable and relevant to most of the audience present. He doesn’t end there either. He spoke to our veterans, and on democracy. He highlights the need for good, quality, early childhood education and how American’s should have the right to attend tuition free colleges and universities, no matter their financial status. Tuition paid for by the enforcement of taxes from corporations and this country’s wealthiest individuals who have been dodging their fair share under the legalities of the law. Reform is necessary in both these areas. Environmental issues were also brought up. Bernie Sanders is open about the real threat of climate change and the need to transform our dependency on fossil fuels to clean energy. He was forthcoming about his stance against the war in Iraq and our position against the threat of foreign terrorism, like ISIS. He supports creating a large coalition that will support Muslims of those surrounding nations to win their own battle against ISIS, doing our part to help. He concluded the night with saying,
“The Time is now for a Political Revolution! The time is now, not just to elect a new president but for millions of people to demand that our government starts representing all of the people and not just the billionaire class.”As everyone left that evening, every sign, sticker, and button was gone as his supporters were excited to take and show off.

Donald J. Trump made his way to Ottumwa’s Bridge View Center, January 4th, a little more than a week after Bernie. He had about 1400 gather to hear him speak. Not being a supporter or even a spectator that day, his visit was the buzz around town. I’ve watched it twice now, once in its entirety on YouTube, really listening to what he said, and taking notes. I did the same for Bernie’s speech. Mr. Trump’s speech was vastly different than the senators. Not just in the obvious ways of stance on the issues, but in the way their speeches flowed and audience reactions. Trump started out with Iowa’s need to “pick the real winner” caucus night. He immediately starts speaking about ethanol, and how his Republican rival Ted Cruz is against backing our ethanol Iowa folks, pointing out “Ethanol folks love Trump”. He then brags about being on the cover of Time magazine three times. He then jumps to the crisis in Germany, and in Paris, saying “We gotta get smart” without being very clear on either of these topics. He carries on about Hispanic adoration despite his tough stances on illegal immigration, and the Wall he keeps yelling about., According to him, and his favorite polls, he has the Hispanic vote, saying “The Hispanics that are legal are voting for me, “ I know in my case this is just simply not true. He continues on with his broad generalizations and briefly spoke to the farmers in Iowa, saying “I know farmers” but the only thing he said to those farmers was a quick mention on how he will change the real estate tax that holds farmers back. He then quickly switched subjects to greed and admitted to being a greedy person. “I want to be greedy for our country”, he says. He speaks in fragments about our foreign debts and then carries over to an off topic example of President Obama using Air Force One (747) to fly to a speech about global warming. He carried on about hypocrisy to a subject that his audience can’t even relate to. That was proven as he asked the audience, “How many believe in the carbon imprint?” Even he seemed shocked that only two in his crowd believe the issue to be a real problem. Instead of explaining, or going into any detail, he tells a story complaining of a carbon tax he must pay when flying in certain parts of the world. #BillionaireProblems
He then starts flinging insults at our current leaders, and yet oddly enough praised Kim Jong-Un! He mentions Kim Jong is a maniac, but that we should give the North Korean leader credit taking over the tough generals at such a young age, claiming how incredible it is. He speaks vaguely about Wall Street, and terrorism. He randomly threw out insults towards opponents, and our President. At one point he even called the Des Moines Register a “dishonest newspaper” but had nothing to back up these obscure claims. He briefly went back to talking about North Korea and the problem their country poses against us. He was quoted saying “I love China”, and said that he will get China to handle our North Korean problem. Within his speech he often referenced polls that favored him. He opened with polls, and concluded in the same fashion, along with name dropping, and Republicans’ praises of him. Awkwardly at the very end he said to the Ottumwa crowd, If you people don’t do what you’re supposed to do February 1st, I will still love the people of Iowa, eh…..maybe not, no, I will still love the people of Iowa. “Plus He added his campaign slogan “Make America greater and better than ever before.” The audience that attended Mr. Trump’s event had to be begged to engage, barely rounding applause with any of his brazen statements and unclear expressions. At the end of his words, I was left confused, and surprised this man has any supporters at all.

Not to be left out, just because I haven’t seen their speeches myself, other candidates have also been in our area gathering smaller crowds of their own. Republican Mike Huckabee stopped thru town earlier this week. He hosted an event Monday, January 11, at Country Kitchen, in Ottumwa, IA. Senator Rand Paul(R) also made his rounds January, 4th, stopping by Smokey Row, in Oskaloosa and Pizza Ranch, in Ottumwa. Senator Hilary Clinton has also been around town, but unfortunately her events were private invite only, and very few were actually invited to see her speak.

I started this piece out mentioning that Iowans get the chance to see all sorts of candidates on their campaign runs, yet truth is not so many come out when actually given the chance. For every person I talk to that is apathetic, or disinterested in attending these events, or even the caucuses February 1st, I speak to someone out of state, who wishes they could live here in Iowa and take part in the early process. I’ve said it before, and I write it again now, it is considered a political privilege to many, to live here in Iowa. No matter who you choose to side with, with hopes of being our next president, it is our responsibility to learn, and do our part as Iowans to help shape the nation with our presence caucus night.


