Today was awesome!

Kristene Feldhaus
Our Caucus
Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2016

Today I packed up the family and drove over to Rick Santorum’s campaign headquarters. I wanted to look at the space and see the type of people helping Rick. There was also a photo shoot that I did for Our Caucus with a lovely guy named T.J. We were welcomed as soon as we entered the building with smiling faces. The team was there to finish this stretch of the campaign off. Monday will essentially be the last day that anyone occupies that office space. The next chapter will be New Hampshire. After two hours of taking photos and answering some questions we were surprised by Rick and his daughter Elizabeth.

Talk about a fun experience for my kids to witness. The hard work that has been occurring has ended with a one on one with Rick and his staff. There was a feeling of excitement and anticipation for tomorrow nights caucus results. Rick is a fighter and has experience on his side. We need him to be our next president and we need him badly. Our country has turned from admiring hard work to expecting free handouts. Those free handouts come with tax raises to those who work extremely hard. I cannot accept a leader who will punish those who work hard to provide for their family. Rick is not that person. Rick is someone who knows that hard work must be rewarded. Rewarding people for their hard work only makes them work harder. Those working hard should be reaping the benefits of it.

I was asked several questions about types of Santorum supporters that I have come across. The answer was pretty simple and I was not shy on my responses. We are pro-life, for religious freedom, worried about our national security, strong family values, and wanting an experienced individual in the White House. President Obama showed us that inexperience will get us into trouble. The national deficit is out of control and this generation is being raised to expect handouts with no work to show for it. Wake up people! We have a chance to return our country to greatness. The United States cannot elect another weak leader who shoots from the mouth, lies for convenience, and wants distribution of wealth. This family works hard for their money and I demand that it goes where I feel necessary.

The federal government has overstepped its boundaries time and time again. No more will we sit back and let the government steal from productive citizens. The time has come that the citizens take back the government and tell them what to do. The government will not steal my family’s money to provide services to Planned Parenthood to kill innocent babies. That money taken would be given to a pregnancy crisis center for a mother in need of diapers and baby essentials if I was able to choose. That money could be used for good and not murder. I expect my next leader to open the nations eyes to the murderous ways of Planned Parenthood.

I listened to Rick speak at a banquet in Council Bluffs on Friday. His speech brought me to tears. We may lose in some of our battles but some good will come from those battles. Some positive will come from us speaking up about our convictions. Do not just sit back and say nothing when injustices are being committed. Being silent is getting us nowhere. Standing up for our beliefs will get us somewhere. Tomorrow you will see my whole family at our local caucus site. We will have our Rick Santorum shirts and pins on. We will be wearing them with pride. I will be telling my caucus voters that Rick Santorum is the leader that is needed. Vote Rick!



Kristene Feldhaus
Our Caucus

Stay at home mom who wants to change the direction of the country.