Why did I not go in?

Brandi Dye
2 min readJan 6, 2016


Monday night Hillary Clinton hosted an organizing event in downtown Des Moines. And I had made up my mind to go. I had RSVP’d online. I had an outfit picked out and when it came time to leave, I did not want to. But I was already dressed so drove downtown anyway. When I saw the line outside of the State Historical Museum, I was ready to throw in the towel. I hate the cold, and that was the line after the doors had opened. But I decided, that I was already down there so I might as well deal with 10 minutes of frozen toes. But then as I circled East Village looking for parking, I had the thought “Eh, she will be back in like a week, I can see her then.” So I drove back to campus. Freshman Brandi would have punched me in the face.

As I sat in my dorm room I wondered what had changed so much in the past year that I would just decide to not see Hillary Clinton, despite being outside of the building. Why could I not muster up any excitement to see one of the biggest political names in the nation? Here are some of my conclusions:

· Campaign season is too long and it is impossible to maintain that level of enthusiasm for damn near a year

· I am officially a spoiled Iowan who is so used to national leaders being down the street that I take it for granted

· I am an apathetic Millenial like everyone older than 45 assumes, despite the fact that I care passionately about political issues and identify as Generation Z

I reall have no idea why I did not go into that organizing event. I really do not know anything. I still do not know who I am going to caucus for, I still do not know how to caucus (despite the Google), and being this deep into campaign season has exhausted my excitement. And to think that the elections are not until November. Ten more months of attack ads, smear campaigns, and GOP commercials before BuzzFeed videos. Ugh.



Brandi Dye

I’m getting to learn all about the Iowa caucuses as a young black, female. I’m gonna write all about it. You should check it out.