Why I didn’t watch the debates last week

Corey Cooling
Our Caucus
Published in
3 min readJan 19, 2016

Yes, I self-identify as a person who cares a great deal about national and local politics and I’ve watched nearly every GOP and Democratic debate so far, but I just couldn't bring myself to watch either of the debates last week.

I’ve been invested emotionally as well as with my time and money through this election season, but for some reason, the bitter cold of the political season is starting to creep in. While I’m the person who laments that fewer than 30 percent of young people voted in the midterm elections, this presidential caucus season — going on since last March when Ted Cruz officially declared himself a candidate — is wearing thin on me.

GOP Debate

Typically, even though I have no intention of supporting anyone in the GOP in the near future, barring a catastrophic change in the way they see their own “values,” I sit down with an adult beverage or two and watch the insanity unfold. Even though I rarely use twitter, the #DebateWithBernie tweets are usually very entertaining and crystallize in my mind why this election is so important and how Bernie’s approach is unique.

I don’t have cable in my current house, so even though I could have watched it on the Internet, I instead watched some of the Planet Earth documentary with my girlfriend. From what I’ve heard about the debate since, I think it was a better use of time. From watching the last several GOP events, it’s become clear to me what these debates are nothing more than a struggle to aggressively pander to the base. There is in all reality *very little* difference in the policy positions of the candidates. The GOP agenda has been set in stone with several Truths for some time now, and this field is just trying to suck up as much support as possible.

I wonder, when will the GOP field try to get idealistic young people like me to engage with the party? Probably when we show up reliably to every election from the Presidential through school board elections. If you’re like me and were wishing for a Republican party that cares about you, you better start caring about all elections, both big and small.

Democratic Debate

In case you haven’t heard, Bernie Sanders is the man.

The number and timing of this debate wasn’t exactly great for me. Like many others, Sundays in the fall/winter are for football, and while the debate took place after the NFL games that day I had had my full of TV watching for the evening. Even though I didn’t watch, interestingly enough my father did, who texted me that evening that “Bernie was well-spoken and controlled the tone of the debate.” That’s my man!

For many of the same reasons as the GOP debate, I had no interest in this Democratic debate either. Partly because I have already made up my mind on Bernie, and partly because I know the event will be dissected vigorously by media outlets and fed to me on a platter. From the clips I did see, I thought it was hilarious that the cameras were panning and moving around the stage as the candidates spoke. What’s next, the ESPN Axis cam?

Going forward

Overall, I’m less interested in these debates because I’m beginning to think of the other important issues going on here in Iowa. We recently just started our legislative session, with a brand new House Speaker (first woman!), and the chaos caused by the Governor last year will have a MUCH bigger impact on my life and my community going forward. I’m less worried about the differences between Hillary and Bernie’s healthcare plans as much as I’m worried about local water quality and if the health insurance that my friends are on will cover their expenses. I’m worried about my alma mater, University of Northern Iowa, getting decent budget support from the state to keep tuition and fees reasonable while maintaining high academic integrity. I’m worried if my brother in high school is going to have great teachers and facilities next year and the year after.

Iowans, please, PLEASE don’t think our civic duty begins and ends on caucus night. As Iowans, though we won’t admit it, we love the attention our small humble state receives during this season, but let’s not get so caught up in national politics that we forget the important issues we need to deal with here at home.

Bernie’s T-shirts say “Join the political revolution” on the back. Here’s to getting started on our own revolution here in Iowa after the limelight and the cameras go off to New Hampshire and South Carolina.



Corey Cooling
Our Caucus

UNI alum, aspiring scientist, political armchair quarterback. Writer for the Des Moines Register’s Our Caucus series.