Go to Our Climate Future
Our Climate Future
Our Climate Future is a Medium publication from Citizens’ Climate International. The human right to a livable future can be infringed, but cannot be taken away. We work to make sure our climate future is healthy, safe, inclusive, and prosperous.
Note from the editor

Every decision we make plays a role in shaping the landscape of risk and resilience that will decide whether the future is safe and livable or disrupted, degraded, and full of danger. Our Climate Future features articles about the work of CCI and our network of volunteers, allied and aligned organizations, and the policy processes where science insights are being put to work to secure a livable future. Learn more at cci.earth

Go to the profile of Joseph Robertson
Joseph Robertson
Executive Director, Citizens’ Climate International; Chief Strategist for the Climate Value Exchange (climatevalue.net); Founder of Earthintel.org
Go to the profile of Citizens' Climate International
Citizens' Climate International
CCI is a non-partisan not-for-profit organization that educates and supports stakeholder climate advocates on six continents. citizensclimate.earth
Go to the profile of Joseph Robertson
Joseph Robertson
Executive Director, Citizens’ Climate International; Chief Strategist for the Climate Value Exchange (climatevalue.net); Founder of Earthintel.org
Go to the profile of Citizens' Climate International
Citizens' Climate International
CCI is a non-partisan not-for-profit organization that educates and supports stakeholder climate advocates on six continents. citizensclimate.earth
Go to the profile of Rituraj Phukan
Rituraj Phukan
Rituraj Phukan is an environmental writer, adventurer & naturalist based in Assam. He is National Coordinator for Biodiversity, Climate Reality Project India.