Not Taught but Learned

Janice Lin
Our Constantly Changing World
2 min readFeb 28, 2018

Adaptability is not something that someone can teach you. It is something that requires you to willingly change your habits and mindset in order for you to learn. You have to open to change and willingly let it happen.

  1. Recognize and understand that change in this world is inevitable. Whether you want to let it happen or not, is not up to you. In the business world, there is constant competition; people are always striving for to improve and advance. On a personal level, people all want to and will move on with their lives. No one can wait for you so, so you will be left behind; that is the reality of life.
  2. Accept that you cannot go back to the happier times. The world only progresses so you cannot dwell on how it was in the past. Maybe it was good in the pass but you have to accept that it wont always be this way. No one knows what exactly the future may hold. Whether things will get better or worse, you must be willing to face it and get through it.
  3. Have a positive and optimistic mindset. There is always balance in life. Things may seem bad now, but that doesn’t mean it will always be bad. If you keep a pessimistic mindset, how will you ever be willing to take a chance for a better future?
  4. Reflect on yourself. Think about the skills you have learned now or the accomplishments you already achieve. Look at the situation and adjust your goals. Sometimes all this change may leave you feeling lost or without a purpose. Set your goal clear in mind and push through all the change and havoc in your workplace.

All these are the first few steps to learn how to adapt in a workplace environment. After developing a good mentality, you can then implement your goals and take your first physical step to moving on.

