After The Rain

Life’s no race, it’s a companion! – Nickelback

Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time
5 min readSep 13, 2017


For me, I struggled with many things to which all these quotes and many others bring to light with some inspiration. I was lacking a lot of experience, knowledge, education and all else to succeed in doing better in all areas of my life. I struggled with my own mental health issues along with a mood disorder known and diagnosed as: depression.

I felt like I was competing against everyone to win the race, as known as life. I felt like I had to because if I was slower than others and was behind enough to be at chapter or stage one and everyone else is around chapter/stage 20 or further ahead. Like I was failing or doing it wrong if I was that far behind. Yet little did I know years later, that I was doing just fine and was doing everything that I could in each moment and that’s not a bad thing at all!

Everybody says that life takes patience, but nobody wants to wait.

For so many years, rather to say, most of my life I found myself worrying and being impatient. Wanting so much, having dreams and having expectations, then later being let down. Partly because I didn’t put in the work. Dreams don’t work unless you do, right?

I also found that I was so focused on what I wanted, I forgot and left out the part of where I put in the work to make it possible. I can’t just wait for it to happe, I gotta make it happen. If something involves work from both me and life itself, then I’ll work hard on my end and let life do its part and in time, my dreams will come true!

Everybody says that we need salvation, but nobody wants to be saved.

It can be scary that we must be the one who speaks up if we aren’t okay and need help with a mental illness that we are suffering from, in order to be on our way into recovery. That’s the only way, and we must do that so we can have others who we speak to, help us find the right and best support and professionals to help us get better.

And I know this was a hard fact to believe and act on. But once I did, great things were in store gradually with time. Although at first, I thought I had found the light to a hopeful future in the process with my recovery but no; I was wrong, it was actually the fact that I became that light!

Spend your days happy and grateful. Avoid the taste of wanting and wasteful. Every good thing will come in moderation.

Sometimes or more times than not, it can be hard to be grateful for some things because of how that event, thing or person made us feel or how they impacted our lives over the years of our life. But we have to remember that it’s all in the past and we must be open to seeing those people changing. We have to believe and accept the high possibility of others who have impacted our lives negatively, can change in greater ways!

For me, it’s been hard like it is for many people. Though throughout my mental health recovery, I’ve come to learn and practice gratitude, mindfulness, emotional intelligence and much more and I’m so happy that I practiced them all thanks to suffering and now living with depression. Living with mental illness doesn’t have to be a life-sentence or a bad thing; you can get a lot of great, useful and life-changing things out of mental illness.

Believe me for one right here saying that I have lots of proof of this fact. That I have been through a lot but I’m choosing to look on the positive side of things. And I’m still working on that with new things and issues that I’ve been working on recently. And I’m very happy for choosing to start reading Brene Brown’s book: Rising Strong!

Choose your friends carefree and kindly. Choose your words careful and wisely.

Words are so important because of how powerful they are. We must remember and remind ourselves to think long and hard before speaking. Because words do have powerful impacts on one another. Let’s use positivity to make a difference in the lives of every single human being to do something small and yet meaningful. It can be as small as an act of kindness such as opening a door for someone, complimenting someone, anything at all.

Trust me, think about how people’s negative words can impact one person’s life? I’m sure that we all have been through times in our lives where negative words have been spoken towards us and have changed us in some way. It made us feel down, and other emotions. It made us feel like it was our fault for their own doing. For making them hurt us with negative words like that.

But truth be told, we did nothing wrong, most of the time, bullies just do it because they see something great in you and they want to take it away from you. But you gotta remind yourself when you can that you are the person with more power over the bully then the other way around. You just gotta believe it to make it possible! To live the impossible things in our own lives!

It may be hard, but I know I’ve made many progresses and things with my mental health recovery that have linked to this and I’m so happy, proud, confident, content and grateful for everything that I have accomplished.

Old mistakes committed upon us. Always take a toll on the conscience. Every regret is a gift that you live with. Never forget to remember forgiveness.

Mistakes will never define us as long as we don’t allow them to. Mistakes are part of being human, and that’s part of being imperfect; that’s more than okay! But I’ve learned here on this fact that I look back at the things that I’ve struggled with that I have succeeded in some way, and feel gratitude, happiness, strength, pride, confidence and contentment for.

And I’m so happy that I’ve made all the progress with my mental health recovery in my life! And I look forward to what’s in store for me in the future!



Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.