Don’t Settle For Normal, Be Special!

Be you!

Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time
Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2019


For long enough I can say that my parents have always told me during arguments that I’m not special and that I’m no different than anyone else in some perspective. And when they say these things, it really hurts me deep to the core of my wounds. My wounds are the things linked to my PTSD and trauma from my parents emotionally abusing me for most of my life.

For so long as well; they have used the method of shaming whenever I do something that is outside of the “black and white” box type of thinking. They shame me for believing such none-sense and prefer that I believe and think normal things that are inside and within the box they have followed by their whole life.

Because they’ve been taught to live this way; by this type of thinking and mindset. And because of this, it has affected how I am in all other aspects of my life and I seem to second guess or let these harsh and destroyer of self confidence and love ruin my moments and possibilities of anything positive to happen. As it’s known that positive things happen to positive people.

“Everyone in this world is different, but the people who are truly brave enough to show their differences are considered embarrassing or not normal. Maybe, the “normal” people in this world are just scared to show who they really are…”

But honestly I believe that being different is a good thing and it’s not a bad thing to be nor a crime. It doesn’t involve taking someone else’s life to be proved as a new way of living and a new way of thinking. It also doesn’t involve sacrificing someone’s integrity, knowledge, personality, life or anything that would matter to any human being to succeed in doing something different.

It’s not shameful to think differently though it’s society who’s jealous that we have chosen a different path in our life to follow. They are the ones that need to work on themselves though don’t let this take your mind away from what we ourselves have to take responsibility for: we still have to try our best to not act too selfishly or ignorantly and less immaturely as we can!

Because maturity, ignorance, selfishness are hard things to work on and it involves inner work to be achieved every day and there is no goal of how much has to be achieved by the end of each day. Life isn’t a competition; like Nickelback quoted in one of their songs “life’s no race, it’s a companion” (After The Rain) which I seem to struggle to understand fully how life can be a companion, but life will show a better understanding with time and with an open mind!

So no more standing in the shadows. It’s time you took the center stage. ~ Nancy

Now is my time to show my parwtns and the rest of the world that it’s no crime or bad thing or sin to be different and to be content and happy and confident wth being different. Living our own life on our own terms; whether we have already started doing or struggling to or even trying to but having limitations make it harder to break through to get to a happier, fulfilling peaceful well lived life!

This is my life and after ending my employment with Walmart after 2 years, it’s my time to regain my real true self back after I lost full sight of that from working at Walmart; and live my life however I choose to! No more listening to what society or Walmart or the government tells or demands me to follow in order to be accepted/approved and accepted to be an associate at any company.

From my two semesters as a coop student at George Kennedy in high school, I found that there were no limitations linked to any of the tasks nor in the environment or requirements to be a coop student and to succeed there; and my success there was well: the sky’s the limit! I felt I could do anything and I always looked forward to every day and easier to work and learn more stuff there and be creative with no limitations!

Sometimes you have to close your eyes and listen between the lines. ~ Nola

This is my time, enough with the now or never thinking; I am still quite young and though I’m not quite 25 years (1/4) yet I have lots of time either way to live my life my way! This is my time to make things what I want and what I’ve been dreaming of creating with my life!

Well here’s to new things and a new chapter of my life to which I’ve been craving and wanting to start for like 1 year now!

To all the beautiful women that brought me here tonight, just know that you are your own fairy-godmother. So keep dreamin’ your dreams and creating your magic and writing your own happy endings. That’s all! ~ Nola/ Belinda



Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.