Emotional Intelligence Helps Maintain Instagram In Mental Healthy Ways

Both are crucially important that they both co-operate together in healthy, positive and successful ways!

Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time
10 min readFeb 8, 2017


I dive into the future. But I’m blinded by the sun. I’m reborn in every moment. So who knows what I’ll become. – Selena Gomez, Revival

8 Things that People With High Emotional Intelligence Simply Don’t Do

In life, emotions can be like the winds that blow us off track on the path to achieving whatever it is that we want to accomplish. That is why, in my opinion, of all of the life skill that a person can possess, emotional intelligence is as important as mental intelligence when it comes to being successful.

That being said, emotional intelligence is tricky. It is all about keeping your emotions in check, instead of letting them rule your life. You have to understand your emotions as a tool, and not as a burden. Again, this is all easier said than done, so here are 8 things to keep in mind that emotionally intelligent people don’t do.


One key to emotional intelligence is understanding that your feelings are not someone else’s fault. They are your own. You can’t expect people to always know how you will emotionally react to something, or for them to even care for that matter. An action by someone else may make you feel a way that they did not intend, so you have to realize that it is YOUR responsibility to handle the emotional response correctly.


The funny thing about happiness is that it is an infinite value. When we think about happiness, we relate it to experiences in our past, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t achieve a level of happiness greater than anything we’ve ever known. Therefore, emotionally intelligent people understand that moving forward and experiencing new things is the only way to achieve anything resembling “true” happiness.


Fear, for the most part, in new experiences is totally normal. People are often way too quick to assume that just because something scares you that it is a bad thing. Being reckless and being fearless are two different things. Fear is just a way for your mind to make you consider what it is that is going on, so keep it in check.


Understanding that how you feel is not the defining characteristic of a situation is probably the most important aspect of emotional intelligence. It is also the hardest to realize in the heat of the moment. Understanding that your emotions are what they are for a reason that is specific to you is important.


One very obvious sign of high emotional intelligence in understanding that we can’t all be happy all of the time. Just because you are having a bad day doesn’t mean that your life is falling apart. It means that a certain number of factors have conspired together to make you have a bad day. Happiness is a choice, but that doesn’t mean that we have to choose it every time.


One of the most important things in life is who you choose to surround yourself with. Being aware of how other people make you feel and why is critical to making good choices when it comes to friends. Again, much like all aspects of emotional intelligence, this isn’t something that happens overnight.


Just because you are emotionally intelligent, that doesn’t mean that you don’t occasionally lose it. We all do. Being emotionally intelligent doesn’t mean you are an emotionless robot. It just means that you know how you feel, why you feel that way, and deal with it accordingly.


Emotionally intelligent people are often seen as stubborn. This is because they own their thoughts and emotions equally, with a deep understanding of how others influence their emotions. It’s not as much stubborn as it is picky.

Attract what you expect, reflect what you desire, become what you respect, mirror what you admire.

Here are some notes based on the training at work today.

What is emotional intelligence? “The ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others, and use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships.” – Emotional Intelligence 2.0 Travis Bradberry & Jean Greaves

Key components of emotional intelligence

  • Personal competence
  • Self-awareness
  • Self-managment
  • Short-term: In the moment
  • “Manage physical response”
  • “Create a reminder”
  • Longer term: Create good practice
  • “Separate fact vs. fiction; emotion vs. reason”
  • “Control your self-talk”
  • “Focus on freedoms rather than limitations”
  • “Be open to learning – be curious”
  • “Create goals – take action”
  • “Talk with someone not emotionally invested”
  • “Put mental recharge time into your schedule”
  • “Accept that change will come”
  • Social competence
  • Social awareness

“Ability to recognize and understand the moods of other individuals and entire groups of people.”

  • In the moment (excerpt from Emotional Intelligence 2.0, Bradberry)
  • “Greet people by name”
  • “Watch body language: yours & theirs”
  • “Purposefully time your responses”
  • “Listen”
  • “Put yourself in their shoes”
  • “Catch the mood of the room”
  • Plan Ahead (excerpt from Emotional Intelligence 2.0, Bradberry)
  • “Anticipate interactions, reactions & determine best approach”
  • “Plan questions to ask”
  • “Consider the whole issue – other things going on”
  • Relationship management
  • “Be open & curious – focus on others”
  • “Build trust: take feedback well, make your feedback direct & constructive”
  • “Complement the person’s emotions or situation – when you care, show it”
  • “Explain your decisions, don’t just make them – avoid giving mixed signals”
  • “Only get made on purpose”
  • “Tackle tough conversations – don’t avoid the inevitable”

The soul usually knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.

Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.

A few songs that helped me gain overall self-love within myself: Try by Colbie Calliet, Who Says by Selena Gomez, Beautiful U R by Deborah Cox and a movie called: Penelope! These have helped me gain my self-esteem! As for I have struggled with it my whole life till just recently! Penelope helped me realize that if she can go out in public with her pig nose without letting any comments affect her in any way, then what’s stopping me from being confident and comfortable in my own skin and body?!

I feel like I’ve awakened lately. The chains around me are finally breaking. I’ve been under self-restoration. I’ve become my own salvation. Showing up, no more hiding, hiding. The light inside me is bursting, shining. It’s my, my, my time to butterfly.

What I’ve learned is so vital. More than just survival. This is my revival. This is a revival. Oh-oh-oh-oh. Oh-oh-oh. Oh-oh-oh-oh. Revival. Oh-oh-oh-oh. Oh-oh-oh. Oh-oh-oh-oh. Revival.

I’ll walk through the fire, I’ll begin again. I’ll burn through my skin. ‘Cause I, ‘cause I wanna feel it. Reaching for the truth, not afraid to lose. What shattered through me like a rifle was a revival. I admit, it’s been painful, painful. But I’ll be honest, I’m grateful, grateful. It’s my, my, my time to realize.

This won’t take too long, you’ll see. I’m just tryna get to me, ooh. What shattered through me like a rifle was a revival.

What I’ve learned is so vital. More than just survival. This is my revival, this is my revival.

Overall Health

Thinking about how our parents and teachers educate us on how to keep a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise. But one thing I never knew was that mental health is another portion of that. Cyber bullying, poor mental health, lack of self esteem, and the list goes on.

Cyber bullying is still out there but I don’t think that enforcing a new law for all citizens of the world to follow is gonna fix or solve the cyberbullying problem entirely at all. We need to get in their heads in some way that they will actually listen to us and tell the bullies to stop or there will be real serious consequences.


I just watched this movie: “Penelope” and I absolutely was inspired and found it so inspiring! And lastly, this movie, is a miracle: it teaches you that you have to accept yourself just as you are when you take the chance to love who you are!

Watch this movie, and you’ll find out, and be inspired! Inspiration has this affect on myself and everyone else! I’m actually starting to find it easier to love myself (gaining self-esteem within myself: for real) thank you!

Self esteem

  • Say nice things to herself
  • Believe in herself
  • Speak up for herself

For more than two years…

For more than two years now, I’ve been feeling down and negative almost everyday.

For more than two weeks now, I’ve been feeling hopeless, like there’s no point in living.

Ever since I was young, I haven’t been close to anyone because I’m afraid of being judged or not liked.

Over the past year, I’ve been unable to stop worrying about things no matter how hard I try.

I’m very scared of things they remind me of something awful that happened to me a long time ago.

For more than a month now, at times I’ve felt extreme fear or panic, and I worry a lot about when this will happen again.

For more than two years now, my frequent negative moods have made it hard for me to focus or make good decisions.

For more than two years now, my depression has caused me to eat or sleep abnormally almost everyday.

Ever since I was young, I’ve strongly believed I’m not good enough for many things in life.

Over the past year, my moods changed so fast that people close to me got worried.

Since I was young, I’ve been unable to stop bad thoughts from occurring over and over again in my mind.

Over the past year, my worries have gotten so big that my body is often restless, tense or tired.

I still think much too often about a terrible thing that happened to me a long time ago.

For more than a few months now, I’ve been harmony myself on purpose, or have been doing risky things without thinking.

For more than two weeks now, it’s been hard for me to feel happy doing things I used to enjoy.

Sometimes I relive a terrible event that happened to me a long time ago.

For most of my life, I’ve had low self esteem and have been afraid of people rejecting or leaving me.

For most of my life, I’ve often had sudden urges to do things that make me feel bad or guilty later.

Ever since I was young, morals or the law have never stopped me from getting what I want.

For a long time now, I’ve known that there’s something wrong with my body even though doctors tell me I’m fine.

Hey. I would just like to start out by saying that being comfortable in your own skin is different compared to being comfortable on the couch, cuddling with my cat and wearing sweats or something real comfy! In more detail I’d like to share with you about my struggles with my own self esteem. I’ve always had low self esteem for I had always seen Victoria Secret models looking and feeling beautiful yet I could never experience the same things within myself.

I never knew what beauty really felt inside because I just didn’t feel accepted of my own appearance for what I looked like in every area. When friends and family comment on me during special occasions like my prom nights, they would say that I’m beautiful. Yet I hair didn’t feel that way but I decided to fake it and let them believe that I felt the same way about my own (beauty)! I’m the past couple years I’ve been trying to work on that particular area in myself as I really wanted to feel more confident and comfortable in my own skin for a change.

So recently I decided to watch “Penelope” one night and while I was watching it and after, I realized that “ if she can go out in public with the way she looks and not let anyone’s opinions affect her in any way, then what’s stopping me from being comfortable and acceptable in my own skin like she did?! So once I watched the movie, I started analyzing what the movie portrayed on the topic “beauty” and how it should and can affect someone’s self esteem!

How it can alter your perspective on your own beauty! And since then, I’ve gain more self esteem in myself! I feel more loving in myself now. It’s still quite new to me in gaining this big and very important quality in life that is also so very important to myself! So in conclusion, I’d like to thank everyone who has ever tried to boost my self confidence as I am so very thankful for it all!



Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.