Fashion Limiting Beliefs Impacting One’s Life

Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time
Published in
6 min readJun 11, 2019


When it comes to self expression, it comes it many forms and shapes and sizes and yet many different colours! But in our society we are expected to wear black and white to most related jobs such as: retail, customer service jobs, business related jobs.

When you think outside the box; think about Legally Blonde: she chose to wear all pink to work and to law school even though everyone else was dressed in either black and white or dark navy colours. What I personally don’t like about having these strict dress codes is because it has way to much limitation and not enough space and freedom to grow, breathe and live creatively and openly as possible!

Wearing an outfit that follows what society tells us, takes away from the things that make us unique and different from each other! So why such limitation? Why limit ourselves and each other? What is all of this stemming from?

Wearing a uniform makes you surrender to conformity. Satisfied uniqueness which is our valuable freedom. Don’t let anyone tell you what to wear. Don’t let anyone tell what to be. ~ Smackle, Girl Meets World

But when it comes to the psychological aspects of this: it can easily enough get into our minds if we allow it to. The shame and guilt in breaking the rules, that it’s too big a risk to be our authentic selves when the results of breaking the rules are so high and risky; we wonder how much it’s really worth to be or authentic selves?

And who would want to fall in love with someone who isn’t their authentic self? Would you prefer to fall in love with someone who’s their authentic self and doesn’t break the rules that keep us civilized? What do you prefer or would you prefer? And why?

Unlike guilt which is the feeling of doing something wrong; shame is the feeling of being something wrong. And this assault on this self, can cause deep depression and severe anxiety.

It can be a hard thing to break: shame and guilt. Once you give power to it, it can have enough power over you. But even for those who have given power to shame and guilt, it is possible to break the cycle or power of these emotions.

There are other ways to break the cycle? Practice confidence through the creative arts! It can help take your mind off of feeling these strong emotions and your thoughts! It can help you build confidence in yourself and gaining back control of your mind and your life!

It’s your life after all, live it however you want! Creative arts is a way to express oneself through many different forms such as:

  • Drama: acting in plays, musicals, movies
  • Music: singing, creating and forming songs
  • Drawing: paintings
  • Mold clay into anything
  • Make food and form into anything you want
  • And anything else you can think of

So if you ever find yourself stuck, get creative or if you need a break and maybe in a creative writing block; take a break and watch something on Netflix or a movie!

The creative arts makes life more beautiful and more artistic in the belief that it can change the world one art piece at a time. Art can make life more amazing if you allow yourself to see things from other people’s perspectives!

We need to think less logical and more creatively! Because it’s the beauty in self expression and creative thinking that can truly make a difference in the world!

If you think logically, you’ll lose the creative arts!

So why are we all waiting for? Stop limiting ourselves and each other and start living creative lives, with optimism and hope and aspiration to be anything we set our minds to!

There’s a book called: “The Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear” which is a great one to learn and benefit from! To be inspired to live our most authentic and even creative lives; we can do anything we want; tune out the voices of those who tell you how to live your life and who to be; and tune into the voice that tells you to: take risks, be optimistic, be fearless, be bold, and etc!

We can also use the creative arts to benefit though less fortunate and use it to give other people a voice when they are in situations and circumstances where their voices are taken away! To be able to be someone’s voice when they don’t have one (due to their own circumstances) is truly an amazing power that we have as humans to accomplish on this earth with this life that we have here to live!

You know we have the true power to make a real difference in this world! We may think we are small like the stars but we can truly change lives if we just get outside our minds and let ourselves just do what nature does naturally!

Callie, I think it’s really refreshing to see a young student who understands the importance of activism. Especially in these certain times we live in!

Making a difference in people’s lives and saving them can truly be a great thing to do with our lives! Be a representation or symbol of hope for those who feel hopeless and weak and vulnerable! Be someone who can help someone get through another day, or if you wanna think beyond that, be someone who can help someone gain the empowerment and motivation and drive to change their life around!

Art is a beautiful thing and imagine the endless possibilities of what we can achieve if we just stop limiting ourselves and each other?

Think about it: a fraction of the world’s population with less fortunate circumstances have no choice but to limit themselves in many areas of life; and then think about all of us here who are way more fortunate then they are: we don’t have to limit ourselves and each other because we don’t have the same kind of circumstances to put these limitations in our realities!

You figure it out. You decide what you want and then you make it happen.



Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.