If You Want Something Or Someone, You Have To Try

It’s better to try and fail than to never try at all

Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time
3 min readJul 8, 2017


Without the dark times that appear to challenge us enough to change and become better human beings, life would be a huge mess.

If something doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you. So do one thing a day or more that scares enough to challenge you to take it on to become a better person in the long run!

Happiness! Though I’ve have quite a few small and big struggles lately this year, they’ve made me stronger and wiser in the long run! As well as being more aware after the moments to not “demand” change and to “inspire” it rather more.

Over the years, I’ve demanded it by yelling, arguing a lot but now I’ve learned from both the movie: “Lying To Be Perfect” and my counsellor, Erin from the family health team clinic, to inspire or and only that.

I can only inspire change for others and let them choose whether they will be impacted and changed by my words of inspiration. And somewhat same goes for myself! Though more inspiring it without being demanding, and such.

My journey has been anything but extraordinary and I’m so truly grateful and lucky to have gotten as far as I have and with all the hard work I’ve put into it. And for that, I’m more than proud and content enough to go and seize the moment when I choose to. My life is what I make of it. So…

You get what you put into it.

What’s my favourite thing about earth? Well I think it would be being able to live my life with purpose. To do what matters to me to change and impact the world and my life greatly and to do it with great passion and empowerment.

If you aren’t living your life with purpose, you’re doing it wrong.

So for me, it’s using my gifts and talents to inspire, educate, encourage and uplift others with my inspiring words as a mental health professional/counsellor to help others get through their hard times with great confidence and knowledge to come out stronger and wiser in the long run.

There are many things that can happen in a way and either could go good or bad. But the thing that matters is our choice of how our day looks like. A good or bad one. It’s also comes with the power of our own thoughts. For example, with anxiety or stress, the power we have is being able to choose one thought over the other.

Thinking: “oh its raining on my graduation/prom, maybe this is a sign I shouldn’t go or because I won’t enjoy it because of the weather.”

Though to comment on this chosen scenario, isn’t the best one to explain as one of my examples.

Anyway, then there’s: “it may be raining but I’m gonna choose to not let it ruin my day or prom nor make me whimp out or back down in attending prom because of some bad weather. It’s not the end of the world and we won’t die nor be hurt in any way by the bad weather during prom.

For me, today we are expecting rain and maybe a storm/thunder later today and tonight possibly, and I’m going to the iHeart Radio MMVA’s with my best friend. I do wish today ended up with better weather but aside from that, I’m gonna choose to not let the weather affect my mood, behaviour, actions and thoughts today!



Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.