Inspirational Chapter

Inspirational Chapters

Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time
2 min readJul 7, 2017


Hey, this book is a inspirational and helpful guide to help inspire you all when you feel and need some inspiration the most. These chapters help inspire that there is hope in everyone no matter what they are going through. Whether it’s a breakup, loss of job, loved one, friend, or anyone suffering and living with any mental illness(s).

These chapters are many of the articles I wrote in my Medium account and always updating daily or weekly. These chapters also are things that I’ve learned all from my own experiences and I really love how I came up with the idea of using my own experiences (in which we call can) to inspire, encourage and bring hope in others when they feel hopeless and maybe even helpless.

Mental illness is such a huge, scary, life threatening and serious epidemic in our world and we need to continue to sharing our own stories, inspiring others, spreading awareness and light to the issue/epidemic, promoting positive mental health, educating ourselves and others on the subject as well to help continue contributing to breaking the stigma around mental illness. We can all do this but we should always remember that we are never alone in anything, no matter what we may feel or any thoughts we may easily find ourselves believing.

Don’t believe everything you think.

We all matter, we all deserve the love, belonging, attention, affection, care and treatment that we all truly and honestly deserve. Don’t ever think about harming yourself or considering ending your life. Life is so precious and so is your overall existence on earth. Don’t hesitate at all to message me, any friends of yours online, close friends, family, and/anyone who you feel comfortable talking about these kinds of things with. It could be a counsellor. But don’t forget to see your doctor about your issue, symptoms to help you start on your long journey in recovery. You are worthy. You are special. You are beautiful. You are loved.

The Inspired Generation

The inspiration of life is all around us and happens all the time. But we aren’t always mindfully aware of the inspiration that’s right in front of you.

One this is for sure that when we do find that inspiration or we let it find is by being open, we must let the bad stuff that we cannot control in reality happen regardless of how much or how bad we don’t like it.

We will have things and experience moments in life that we all look forward to but all the other things, will do everything in its power to destroy us and we must fight back to win this fight of many battles.

We all fight our own battles we know nothing about, so be kind.



Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.