Inspire Healthier, Positive Change By Lifting Yourself Up As A Start

Steps to regaining self control (grey matter in your brain) to create the life you want while working with the daily challenges of reality

Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time
4 min readSep 15, 2017


Well hello there!

Let’s start today with focusing on some issue no matter how long ago it began, and think about how it has impacted you negatively. How have you responded? How has your respond to that issue lead to the result outcome? What do you think about that result? What do you think you could do differently do succeed and do better next time?


Harper did something that not many can do easily. She ignored the rules and went with her gut or listened to her heart. That is inspiring. Maybe that’s it. Why so many people around the world haven’t yet achieved their life dreams for the rules are what are holding them back from doing exactly that.

Can you imagine something as powerful as rules especially by the government hold you back from doing anything that you are passionate or anything that makes you happy? Hard, right!

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking. – Marcus Aurelius

Now, let’s talk about how we can focus our time on how we react to each moment in our life.

We are our own individual person to ourself and regardless of what anyone has to say against that thought or belief, stick to what you know and what you believe. Because life is not easy and not always fair. But life can be great when you allow yourself to follow the right paths.

“Ladies and gentlemen. For weeks, you’ve been asking “who is the mob?” The mob is all of us. The mob is Miami. Miami is its culture. If you take down the culture, you take down Miami.” ~ Ryan Guzman

Being optimistic to me, I first thought and believed that an optimistic person would have to be optimistic all the time, 24/7; but I’ve learned that an optimistic person can be optimistic most of the time and act with some pessimism. Because being optimistic all the time, is not realistic at all.

“If you love it so much, you can’t just walk away.” ~ Kayla Morgan



“I like myself the way I am” – Penelope


“Stop saying I’ll be happier when…And start saying I’m happier now because...” – Nataly Kogan

Have faith in people and in yourself! Never lose that! At any point in yourself!

My parents tell me what to wear, how to look, what I should say, how I should be, until recently I had given in to that pressure. I lost side of who I was. I listened to opinions of people, and I tried to change who I am becaus I thought that others would accept me for it. And I realized I don’t kneel how to be anything but myself.

And all I want you to know is that you are changing the world, I’m not changing the world, your changing the world. And that’s amazing. Please just be kind to each other, and love and inspire people. Becaus lets do it, let’s change the game. The most important thing is that we learn and we continue to learn from each other. Please stay true to yourself! Please remain who you are and know that we have each other’s backs.



I love myself now. Some days I don’t but I try to. I think it’s about at least if you try, that’s all that matters! ~ Demi Lovato

Live what you love.

Wouldn’t it be great to prove them wrong?” ~ Kayla Morgan, Cloud 9

If you ain’t finding love, but you’re still not giving up! Can I be a witness?

If you’re down and out but you still wanna live it up.

Can I get a witness?

And if the weight of the world is on your now but you know you can turn it all around again! Can I be a witness?



Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.