Let Nothin’ Stand In Your Way Cause The Hands Of Time Are Never On Your Side

Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time
2 min readMar 4, 2018


You know how some things you believe in so greatly that you’ll do anything for? How have you done with this? Did you succeed in doing so? If not, what happened? Was fear, anxiety, stress, worry, depression or anything else prevent you from succeeding?

Do you have any struggles or issues of any mental health issue or anything? For me, I live with depression and have ADHD. Though I’m taking only 27mg of Concerta for it which is way better for my mental health, yet mental well-being overall!

Sometimes life can seem as though it’s not only our side. Like it brings bad events, moments and people in your life but in reality it’s just testing you to see how strong you really are and are hard you will try to come out stronger and wiser when you remind yourself how badly you want to succeed and for better things to be in front of you.

Like other moments when you see that life is showing you signs to give up or through away your dreams but in all reality here, it’s actually testing you to see how serious, truthful, and how badly you want to live your dreams. By taking healthy risks and remaining your true self no matter what comes your way in the process!

But regardless of how hopeless moments can make us feel, even those people who make us and convince us to give them up, we have to remind ourselves to stay true and honest with ourselves and keep going! And don’t let what others say or think affect your direction nor how you see yourself!



Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.