Live Differently Than Anyone Else:


Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time
Published in
8 min readNov 23, 2016


Writing: creatively! It’s a time where I feel powerful which makes it easy for me to make words powerful, inspiring, positive and beautiful! And I absolutely love it! It’s my release when I need to cool down or let it out in a inspiring, creative but beautiful way!

The adrenaline from writing creatively is my fave part about my gratitude ritual! For example, at all times when working on my biography, I always felt energized from dong that as for music is one way for the words to flow easily! Which makes me feel so good in the process of working on things like that! I also feel very exhilarating!

This episode really inspired me! It is something I’ve known to have for over a year and I really enjoyed watching it. Along with having many positive, inspiring, worthy and powerful thoughts come to mind on the scenario itself. Things that I would do if in that situation myself and what that would create: creativity! And I’m thankful for that! Please do me a favor and watch this episode on your free time and see what comes to your mind! Maybe creative thoughts and actions arise!

Many of you may already can tell, but I look at life in a very positive, inspiring, and positive perspective! I have lots of insight, advice, thoughts & experiences in that! And it is something that I find very beautiful about myself! How I can just turn a bad day to a better one just by looking at it differently, as a good thing rather than the bad! Not just with myself but with others. I haven’t used this amazing talent of mine much, but plan to a lot in my future!

Dreams: I love to dream all the time! In fact every day and night! I find I dream about all sorts of things. My hopes and things I want and plan on doing with my life! Inspire people, being happy, give back, change the world, make a difference in people’s lives by donating things, money and time to the less fortunate, in Haiti, Kenya, etc! Hope to sell my product of pop bottle fish through a organization I support: Free The Children! I absolutely love giving back like this! It makes me happy that I support and make the less fortunate people a healthy and fulfilling life! Education, supplies, good, clean water, health, etc! I feel so good that I make people’s lives easier to live and happier!

This is always possible yet challenging for many people like myself! As I find from my own past life, I haven’t had much of any belief in myself throughout my life! But I’m finding my ways in gaining overall belief in myself to move on further with my life! Like living my dreams, taking risks, moving on the edge, standing up for what’s right and what I believe in!This is always possible yet challenging for many people like myself! As I find from my own past life, I haven’t had much of any belief in myself throughout my life! But I’m finding my ways in gaining overall belief in myself to move on further with my life! Like living my dreams, taking risks, moving on the edge, standing up for what’s right and what I believe in!

Stand up, speak out: this is something I’ve had many thoughts and dreams in doing in my life! Yet, it’s not easy as 1,2,3! And it’s not a simple thing to do either. But I’m finding more strength, power, courage and more to be fully able to do exactly this when I want! Even if it starts small at the bottom of the ladder. I plan on working my way up to the top! And I know I can, just have to keep in mind what I want and not let anything or anyone stop me in the process!

  • Turn fantasy into a reality
  • Life is a work of art
  • Follow your heart
  • Listen to your heart.
  • Something you’d fight for until it’s yours.
  • Holding back our dreams.
  • Meant to be somebody.
  • Cool just being all I can be
  • No one can tell you who you really are
  • Cuz everybody is their own star.
  • Don’t try to change what you see
  • Let’s conquer the fears.
  • Take every chance. Hold back the tears, what we wanna be will be!
  • Give everything, and don’t be afraid.
  • Be true to yourself, if you wanna live forever.

Music: it helps me in any situation or mood I’m in! It helps me get through some things all depending on the level of power it has. At particular times, music isn’t strong enough to fight the negative power! It sucks, but at those times I just either stay the same., or get worse, deeper I tot that mood! But other other times, where I feel positive, it helps me feel strong and it also gives me the feeling of unstoppable! Feeling powerful to let that shape some part of my current life!

Taking something for granted

We orbit the sun because we need its light and its heat.

And if it wasn’t there, we’d be dark and alone.

We think that we’re the centre of attention, but the truth, we need to circle the ones we love for as long as we’re here.

We need to hold them close because no matter how far we travel, they are the ones who hold us in place. It’s gravity and without it, we would just all float away from each other.

We are not kings as all, we are just tiny little specs. My name is Riley Mathews from New York City.

Throughout my life, I have found that bad kind of people in the world weigh me down in doing what I want and being the person I want to be! I lost sight of my dreams twice! And it sucked so much. Because my dreams are my purpose here on earth overall! It took all the right inspiration, and advice to fully gain strength in not letting anyone’s thoughts and opinions affect my perspective on life, how I live it and who I live it as!

Transmitting it like a feedback thing. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy that’s coming from right there. It’s not just showing people the end of the world. It’s giving thmr the idea over and over and over again until they just accept it. We still have 58 days to try and change things. But nothing will work as long as that thing (monitor) is still on.

These people, their driven by savagery. What if we told them about this place? Then that would happen here to us. Then nothing will survive.

But it hasn’t happened yet.

Actually it has happened, you just haven’t accepted it.

Well, I don’t accept it.

Cassie, that stuff’s not real. The issue is our future predicting machine says we’re all gonna die.

Cassie: This place has nothing to do with hope. It’s the opposite of hope.

Frank: Don’t say that.

Cassie: Why not? You said it; no wonder you gave up.

Frank: That’s before I knew about you. You really, you really are special.

Cassie: Why do you people keep saying that to me? I’m not. Why did you even give me this? You showed me a place that was amazing and incredible. And it was a lie. If your gonna zap an idea into people’s heads, you should really make sure that it’s the truth. Because you can’t do that. You can’t just zap…

Frank: what?

Cassie: It’s happening in people’s heads. Your piloting the signal, how?

Frank: what?

Cassie: At your house, all your tv’s, doomstay room. You were boosting the feed from that monitor thing. How did you do that?

Frank: It’s not big deal. They were running on so much power through it now, a ham radio could make it up. It’s just a matter of finding the right frequency.

Cassie: You grabbed a signal from another dimension. From a machine here, that means it’s transmitting there. What if it’s not just predicting the future.

Frank: It’s broadcasting it.

Cassie: When I touch this thing, for a few minutes it felt like anything was possible. But then why can’t the opposite happen? What if the monitor is just a giant pin but instead of making you think positive, it makes you think negative. And it convincing the whole world to fed the wrong wolf:

“There are two wolves. And they are always fighting. One is darkness & despair. The other is light & hope. Which wolf wins?”

Here are some links to the art of self expression. The importance of creativity, how useful creative arts are with expressing ourselves creatively. Like art, music, drama, dance, writing, creating of any kind with no limitations or rules: except involving any encouragements of violence or criminals acts.

Hope this helps you create what you want with whatever you set your mind to. Create the person you want, create the life you want to live, overall create whatever you want. The outcomes and possibilities are endless…

Get creative. Let your creative side out in the light for the world to see what your truly made of. What you are truly passionate about, what your good at and what you want to express to them: your messages…



Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.