Me, Myself & Creativity

Using creativity to help me express myself and succeed in recovery with mental illness and overall be who I want to be and do what makes me happiest: purpose and passions:

Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time
6 min readOct 19, 2016


I am my own project. I’ve worked hard over the past year and a half and I’m really proud to say that I’m happy and proud with my work of art: myself.

Since I came home from college in the end of April last year (April 2015), I started recovering from my recent depressive episode. Being in recovery, I found that you learn so much not just about yourself (from regaining your true self again) but also more also on the mental health epidemic and how you can and should care of your own mental health.

Finding healthier and positive coping methods for thinking in various situations that we all go through, personal hygiene, all the tips, ideas and methods for taking care of oneself’s self care and everything else that is plays a part in positive mental health.

For me, I’ve been through so much with my mental health (even years when I wasn’t aware of there being something visible stating that I had something wrong with me: a mental illness, from the lack of education I didn’t have and what little I got in my final year of high school), it’s really crazy when I think about all the things I’ve been through with it alone.

But even especially the times I looked up to and had people online I could not only relate to but see how they cope with their mental conditions, and the few friends of mine that I know well that live with mental illness. Having people like that is really and crucially great and important to have. Not only is it great to look up to role models who are famous like celebs but those we are close with like friends, family and other acquaintances that are living with mental illness.

Expressing myself through art in creative ways has become like a really fun, creative and fascinating way for me ever since I attended the Colour Fest in Hamilton August 20th, 2016. Showing 6 different colours in powder form to make art on your own bodies and everyone else that attended the event and the previous years before.

I also believe and intend to use creativity with my recovery for my depression relapse. It can definitely without a doubt help me express myself more creatively and as for how far I’ve come with my mental state over the years, I can definitely use all the new knowledge, education and experiences along with it.

Overall all I’ve suffered with (not entirely alone, suffered together with all the others who are in the same boat in the mental health area of life) I believe this will be great not only for me and my recovery too but also to continue inspiring my stories, struggles, and recovery success to millions out there in the mental health boat like millions are already doing for quite some time now.

Creativity has been a great talent of mine for a few years even before I learned about it along with the “Girl Meets Creativity” of Girl Meets World.


  • I’m wide awake. Yeah, I was in the dark. I was falling hard. With an open heart. I’m wide awake. How did I read the stars so wrong. I’m wide awake. And now it’s clear to me. That everything you see. Ain’t always what it seems.
  • I’m wide awake. Yeah, I was dreaming for so long. I wish I knew then. What I know now. Wouldn’t dive in. Wouldn’t bow down. Gravity hurts. You made it so sweet. Till I woke up on. On the concrete.
  • Falling from cloud nine. Crashing from the high. I’m letting go tonight. I’m falling from cloud nine. I’m wide awake. Not losing any sleep. Picked up every piece. And landed on my feet. I’m wide awake. Need nothing to complete myself, no. I’m wide awake. Yeah, I am born again. Out of the lion’s den. I don’t have to pretend. And it’s too late.
  • Do you ever feel like a plastic bag. Drifting through the wind. Wanting to start again.
  • Do you ever feel so paper thin. Like a house of cards. One blow from caving in.
  • Do you ever feel already buried deep. Six feet under screams. But no one seems to hear a thing.
  • Do you know that there’s still a chance for you. ‘Cause there’s a spark in you.
  • You just gotta ignite the light. And let it shine. Just own the night like the fourth of July.
  • ‘Cause baby you’re a firework. Come on show ‘em what your worth. Make ‘em go “oh, oh, oh!” As you shoot across the sky-y-y.
  • Baby you’re a firework. Come on let your colors burst. Make ‘em go “oh, oh, oh!” You’re gonna leave ‘em falling down down down.
  • You don’t have to feel like a waste of space. You’re original, cannot be replaced. If you only knew what the future holds. After a hurricane comes a rainbow.
  • Maybe a reason why all the doors are closed. So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road. Like a lightning bolt, your heart will glow. And when it’s time, you’ll know.
  • You’re gonna leave ‘em all in awe-awe-awe.
  • Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon. And it’s always been inside of you you you. And now it’s time to let it through.

You don’t know my heart:

Can’t you see that I'm in pain.

  • I don’t think you understand at all. I don’t want to use my mouth. I don’t know how to spell it out. Every time I try, it sucks. Just wish you could open me up. And see all the confusion and love. Love and hurt the wrong words with music. Cuz tonight, it feels like: like you don’t know my heart.
  • You say that I never really see that it’s only ever about me. Like I don’t listen when you speak like it doesn’t kill me.
  • I don’t not have the perfect expression.

Creative art

This music video for this song really shows one’s creativity with expressing oneself with a particular situation that can be easily relatable.

Life isn’t work with art. You gotta paint it colorful. Can make it anything you want. Don’t ever stick to any rules. You don’t need a high IQ. To succeed in what you do. You just gotta have no doubt. Just believe in yourself. – Lindsay Lohan

Fight, battle

  • This is tomorrow rising, we’re up on the barricades. This is the oral question, as the ways begin to fade. I see your bright heart shining, it’s time to make a stand.
  • With all the dreamers watching, come with me and take my hand. What if it’s- what if it’s all up to us. Standing by is not enough. The front line is where we fight. Tonight is up to us.
  • Look out, the night is falling. History is breaking dow. That thing is what it once was. There’s no past, there’s only now.

Who’s got your back I wonder. Who can you call a friend. Just feeling right beside you. I’m with you until the end.

  • What if it’s- what if it’s all up to us. When waiting is not enough. Faith has no time to waste. We’ve still got a hope. And we’ve still got our voices. Caught up in this moment. Where we must div-
  • You still got your song. And you still got your vision. We are strong enough to face this brand new day.
  • It’s time to stand up. The time is right now. It’s time to stand up. The time is right now.
  • It’s time to stand up. The time is right now. It’s time to stand up.

What if it’s- what if it’s all up to us. When waiting is not enough. Faith has no time to waste. Tonight is up to us.



Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.