The Effects Walmart Has On Associates

Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time
3 min readJul 19, 2019


Well for starters here’s the bullets below:

  • Refusing to bag customers bags that they bring (reusable bags) as they all assume that Walmart being known for always bagging their customers bags no matter if there’s no communication of that request or task; as I believe that regardless of that Walmart is known for bagging their customers bags no matter what: it doesn’t give anyone any excuse to lack communication and slack off on making clear communications of what they expect of someone like a cashier to do with their items once scanned.

For example: when I asked a customer: do you want bags?” If they hear my question correctly: they’ll say yes or no or say that they have their own bags and say nothing else. And they assume they know without any communication from them that they want me to bag their items with their reusable bags.

  • The dress code: black and white ONLY: I feel like the dress code and even other rules and parts about the environment created at Walmart make me feel like I have to limit myself as an associate to work there. Like I have to live with limitations while working there. Think about how at times: moments inspire us to live every day like it’s our last and especially when we hear a death in the family or an important person of one of our friends dies, we think that we should just go out and live as life is never guaranteed a tomorrow for anyone. So we should not waste any second limiting ourselves and following the rules that limit how far we can go with living our lives, living our dreams and beyond that!

And with the amount of limitations:

~ affecting my mental and emotional health: wearing colours and what I want without limitations of dress codes telling me to limit myself: affects my mood, confidence levels, happiness, and other important things that I very strongly value. And I feel also that I am only limited with the amount that I can grow there as an associate. I don’t like being limited at all and my parents did that to me for most of my life;

I didn’t come to work for Walmart to find it as another place like my parents. I came to Walmart to get away from that, not be reminded of the things my parents have put me through.

  • My attitude and mood: with how I’ve been with my circumstances with my mental and emotional health: it’s way harder and more complicated than any human being could understand and view clearly; the lack of happiness: happy to help attitude and face expression from myself: it has reflected in Walmart’s customers comments, from the survey they complete online and which they specify my name as well as per the store Manager, Tracy told me.

The managers were too focused and lenient on enforcing the rules and making sure all associates are following them more than fully trying to understand someone else’s experiences and how their rules harm and risk their health for example (mine) and do no good for my health; and therefore fail to listen and understand mindfully of what an associate (like myself) is sharing with them and how they can help find a solution that is a “win-win” situation for both sides (Walmart and myself)

And I also feel like a lot of the rules and beliefs and the environment also playing a big role; feeds my anxieties and depression and it doesn’t help neither of them like La Vie En Rose and George Kennedy did !

And I know that I’m not the only one who believes that Walmart is a terrible place to work at. Two people have told me this as they’ve worked there too: like someone told me:

“I’ve heard Walmart can take a toll on ones health. I hear Costco has great benefits/ relationships with their employees.”



Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.