The Imperfect Christmas Wrapping Season!

Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time
Published in
2 min readDec 25, 2017

Well as it’s just around the corner, there are others still who are getting their last minute shopping for the holidays. Some start real early, per say in November, others gradually in the beginning of December or around Black Friday and then there are those who kinda slack or procrastinate on getting everyone on their list checked off.

Anyway, when it comes to the reality of this particular holiday, some believe that things have to be perfect to the last detail and not one bit messy, imperfect or wrong. And though this may seem to work for them, it can really mess with your mental health.

I have found that being surrounded by those who strive and achieve to absolute perfection, can really make you get into the groove which like it or not, leads to self destruction being one of many results along with sinking deep into depression, suffer with anxiety, stress, post traumatic stress and other mental conditions and addictions. Eating disorders aren’t exactly all that well known to be easily affected or triggered by perfectionism; though it can make you believe if you are not skinny like the Victoria Secret models or those in magazine and tv ads, you aren’t good enough or acceptable to society.

And as much as this may be easily able to get all caught up with, it can lead to dangerous and unhealthy habits and if you or any person this may remind you or can think about, doesn’t seek help, it can lead to:

  • Suicide
  • Substance abuse
  • Long term medical issues

But there are ways to help these at risk people help themselves towards recovery. It’s important to look up online or ask a mental health professional or a doctor about how they’d recommend going about communicating with them. But in a way that won’t trigger symptoms or their wellbeing to be put at risk or in a hard visibility of triggering dangerous acts of self harm such as: using any sharp item around them to harm themselves, threaten to harm themselves and/or others, and even suicide like listed above.

Though as hard as this may be to be do very cautious and aware of doing something to help someone help themselves, know that you aren’t the only one and that there are others who have been saved by others who helped them help themselves, successfully!

Mental health is so important, more important than others in our society believe! But with years of making progress as a whole society, great things can happen and more can change with our own ability to change like this quote states:

If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.



Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.