Wearing Two Different Patterns Is Not Social Suicide

It’s a language spoken through the art of fashion:

Our Creative Time
Published in
4 min readMay 19, 2019


For long enough, I am someone who can say that art is a great method for expressing oneself in any way using:

  • Colouring (paintings, drawings, etc)
  • Molding clay into art
  • Baking food (cupcakes: using icing and etc to express one’s thoughts or expressing their mind)
  • Fashion
  • Pictures
  • Musicals
  • Plays
  • Poems
  • Etc: any others you can think of

To me, art is a great way to express yourself which involves an element of risk. And if you believe in anything, you’d believe it is ALWAYS worth the risks involved!

And for quite some time now, I’ve been wearing my chosen outfits to work (which their dress code is: black and white ONLY) and I gotta say I don’t like not one bit. It has too much limitation and war and definitely no peace or acceptance or empathy or compassion for any artist in this society!

Anyway now I’d like to share a part of a script of a scene of Girl Meets World episode called: Girl Meets Creativity:

Maya: My name is Maya Hart. This committee relies on charts and graphs. I have information to add to them.

Chairman: Please share them, Ms. Hart

Maya: You want numbers? United States rending in math, science and reading has done nothing but drop in the last 50 years.

Chairman: Your proposal?

Maya: Get rid of them.

Chairman: Cut math, science and reading?

Maya: Why not? We stink at em. But you know what we’re #1 at? Movies and music! People all over the world are inspired by our creativity. But hey I don’t want to get rid of anything. You started it.

Chairman: My hands are tied.

Maya: Yeah, it’s so funny. Everyone keeps saying that but they’re not. Look at them, your hands are free. You just think they’re tied.

So what do you think? What are you thinking about these statistics and quotes I’ve included so far? I have another quote to include:

If you think logically, your gonna lose the creative arts. ~ Topanga Mathews, Girl Meets World

We need to think less logical and more creative! I would like each and every person in this world whether they are a real citizen or not; to begin thinking creatively and do something creative in their life:

  • Express themselves through fashion
  • Create art in forms of paint and a canvas
  • Anything you want

Remember: one true fact about being creative: is it’s losing the fear of being wrong! And when it comes to fashion in particular, never listen to the voices of others or the voices inside your mind; listen to your heart, your gut, they always know what you should do and not what you should follow… people; listen to you, not anyone else!

Fashion is confidence & connection. It’s about breaking from pre-conceived limitations to be fully self-expressed and proud of who you are!

You know I watched the first episode of Supergirl of season 4 and I came to the scene where she explained her belief of fashion and her meaning to Kara Danvers (Supergirl) and it really inspired me and got me thinking: more depth meaning to fashion and how we can use it to express ourselves: our thoughts, beliefs, ideas and who we are in this busy, crazy and hectic world! So I’d like to share that with you here:

It’s one of the most historical forms of art. What we choose to wear tells a story about who we are! Whether you wear black and leather or pastels and silk, you’re creating an inner version of yourself whether you realize it or not!

What makes this story so exciting is that the fashion districts are heading upshop in the middle of east city. New legislation is allowing designers to live and work in industrial spaces that have been abandoned for decades. An area that’s been hot bed for crime is going to be infused with colour and life! Just think of all the kids growing up in that neighbourhood. All the new job opportunities that will be created. The fashion district article I wanna write about isn’t about clothes, it’s about community and growth and hope!

So now I’d like to mention that to me; fashion means a lot to me and it would mean the world to me if everyone I come into communication with understands, empathizes and respects this about me and encourages me to continue doing this; to continue being me; the real AUTHENTIC me!



Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.