What Is Cool VS what Isn’t Cool?

Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time
Published in
4 min readFeb 11, 2017

We all are told of what is cool and what isn’t in every area of life that we choose and don’t choose. But regardless of that putting that aside, what matters most is what you choose.

What you think is best for you, is what’s best for you. Whatever you feel your heart, follow it. You wanna be whoever you wanna be, then be that person. You wanna achieve your purpose, passion, hobbies, do it. Don’t let what anyone says or thinks of you and your life take away your power within yourself therefore dictating how you end up living your life.

Don’t think, just do. People tell us to not think about being nervous before an important speech or any other important event in our lives. Whether it’s an exam that states whether we succeed in the program chosen and our life.

But overall, having someone or telling someone tell someone like yourself to not think, it’s wrong in the method they are using. But right in a different thinking strategy. What you think of yourself matters more than what others think of you. You feel something or wanna do something, do it for you and only you.

Stop achieving all the standards and expectations given by society just to be accepted by them. You shouldn’t have to or need to change yourself like that to be accepted. Those who are important in your life should accept, respect, understand, support and love you for who you are!

“Parents don’t love you more because you’re biologically theirs. I mean, your moms – they don’t love you because your easy to deal with or because you keep your mouth shut. They love you because you’re you.” – Rita

People have a really bad habit of dwelling and fixating on everything in our past that has had a negative impact on us and them. And yes dwelling and fixating may be part of human nature, but it shouldn’t become a bad habit. Looking back is healthy, positive and normal. But other than that, you should remain looking ahead. You want something, work hard. You want something, always remember, you can only earn it.

It’s only real if you believe it. If you work hard you can achieve it. No matter what the dream is made of. That dream is not to be afraid of.

Put your faith in what you most believe in. Two worlds, one family. Trust your heart. Let fate decide. To guide these lives we see.

A paradise untouched by man. Within this world blessed with love. A simple life, they live in peace.

Softly tread the sand below your feet now. Two worlds, one family. Trust your heart. Let fate decide. To guide these lives we see.

Beneath the shelter of the trees. Only love can enter here. A simple life, they live in peace.

Raise your head up. Lift high the load. Take strength from those that need you. Build high the walls. Build strong the beams. A new life is waiting. But danger’s no stranger here.

No words describe a mother’s tears. No words can heal a broken heart. A dream is gone, but where there’s hope.

Somewhere something is calling for you. Two worlds, one family. Trust your heart. Let fate decide. To guide these lives we see.

Body Figure

People always call us names for our unhealthy and lazy body figure we created. We look up to all those models who are skinny and using their body figure as our motivation and our goal. We find ourselves at some point, being blind that it’s not the way to feel beautiful, confident and healthy and accepted by society, not just yourself. But like I said before:

What you think of yourself matters more than what others think of you.

You shouldn’t give in to that pressure and the power to be someone that you really are not. God made you all that you are for many reasons, go and discover them. You owe that to yourself to take care of yourself!



Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.