What was the best mistake you’ve made?

A mistake that turned out really well

Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time
1 min readDec 29, 2017


Sometimes you have to allow yourself to say no and to not worry or overthink your choices. For example wishing you chose the other choice, but the truth is, it’s what’s best for you with the choice you made. And to start focusing more on the greater things in life. What else life has to offer when you find yourself not worrying or overthinking things.

Just being yourself, regardless of what anyone says or thinks. They power, can be quite inspiring and empowering in our society. And I know this with my own experiences. I found myself all caught up with wanting society’s validation which I followed by meeting their standards & expectations that I actually lost myself and became the complete opposite of the person I was trying to become but got lost in someone else’s tracks.

But through it all, I have gained a lot of experience plus knowledge, intelligence and logic to where I have found myself in this moment! And I don’t regret any choices, mistakes or decisions that I’ve made because of where it brought me today! Each and every day I feel grateful for my progress it without feeling too much pride in my success in my life! And I’m hopeful, optimistic and open to what God has prepared for me next! Like this quote:

Don’t lose yourself in the temporary. No one has ever seen, no one has ever heard, and no one has ever imagined what God has prepared. ~ Max, Coffee Shop



Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.