What’s Hatnin

Justin Bieber, Never say never!

Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time
6 min readOct 6, 2016


Step Up Revolution

“Living in world like this, you learn pretty quick that you have to speak louder than everyone else if you wanna be heard. Because the truth is, everyone has a voice. And it comes a time when you have to shout, to fight for what you want. But me and my friends, that time is now” ~ Ryan Guzman (Step Up Revolution)

“Ladies and gentlemen. For weeks, you’ve been asking “who is the mob?” The mob is all of us. The mob is Miami. Miami is its culture. If you take down the culture, you take down Miami.” ~ Ryan Guzman

“The main thing we want to strive with this movie is that you can fight for what you believe in, that you feel like you might not have a voice and people might not hear you. But little do you realize that if you believe in something as much as you should, and people will hear you, and people will recognize genuine people!” ~ Ryan Guzman

Cloud 9

“It’s not about weather I believe in you. It’s about weather you believe in yourself.”

“What do u mean?” Kayla said

“Up on that mountain, when it’s just you and your board. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. You cannot be afraid. Not even for a second, it takes no fear.” Will Cloud

“Nothing’s impossible. No doubt. No fear.” Kayla Morgan (Dove Cameron) from Cloud 9

“Kayla, say something.

Nothing is impossible.

You risked your life just to prove a point. Dumb.” Will Cloud

“If you love it so much, you can’t just walk away.

Wouldn’t it be great to prove them wrong?” Kayla said.

The Fault In Our Stars

You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world. But you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope as likes hers.” – Augustus Waters

I hope you realize you trying to keep your distance from me in no way lessens my affection for you.” Augustus Waters

You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don’t give it the power to kill you. A metephor.” Augustus Waters

“That’s the thing about pain, it demands to be felt” Augustus Waters

I fell in love with him the way you fall alseep, slowly and then all at once! Hazel Grace


“I like myself the way I am” – Penelope

Nataly Kogan, Chief Happier Officer (CHO)

“Stop saying I’ll be happier when. And start saying I’m happier now because.” – Nataly Kogan


Never doubt anything, yourself not anyone!

Never limit yourself! No matter who tries to limit that.

Believe in yourself!

Have faith in people and in yourself! Never lose that! At any point in yourself!

Personal experiences & life lessons

My parents tell me what to wear, how to look, what I should say, how I should be, until recently I had given in to that pressure. I lost side of who I was. I listened to opinions of people, and I tried to change who I am becaus I thought that others would accept me for it. And I realized I don’t kneel how to be anything but myself. And all I want you to know is that you are changing the world, I’m not changing the world, your changing the world. And that’s amazing. Please just be kind to each other, and love and inspire people. Becaus lets do it, let’s change the game. The most important thing is that we learn and we continue to learn from each other. Please stay true to yourself! Please remain who you are and know that we have each other’s backs.

Who Says, Never Say Never, never give up, everything happens for a reason, don’t let anyone or anything bring you down – nothing is impossible! Have no doubt in yourself. No without a doubt you can conquer or do anything you want without being limited in any way.

Selena Gomez

I’d be lying if I said I never tried to make myself better by giving in because I have. But I’ve learned from my actions, and for all the things I’ve done, I’m proudest at, I’ve learned from my mistakes. You are who you surround yourself with.”

Demi Lovato

I love myself now. Some days I don’t but I try to. I think it’s about at least if you try, that’s all that matters! ~ Demi Lovato

I’ve been waiting for a girl like you for a long, long time now.

About Me:

Known as “cat girl” and a dork, dorkier than you may think I am! My friends like to call me: Dora!

Love playing and talking to kindergartens (so cute) babysitting, LOVE Justin Bieber. Love working with students and staff at George Kennedy…

Positive attitude in everything life gives her! The opportunity to show the world how awesome, beautiful, funny, smart and much more! Which will be so amazing when she does show the world! Be heard. Be proud. Be strong. Inspiration is a part of who she has become! Something she believes is so amazing about herself. She plans on using her talent of “inspiring” for anyone needing inspiration to success in life or anything they need some knowledge on.

Has a new Tumblr blog: @hopelessromanticbelieber which is also labelled as “Bella Living With Mental Illness” Please feel free to use it as a reference for any help or retable posts and more!

Something as beautiful and important to her, has become a part of what makes her different, unique, special and she will never let life, people or anything stop her in any and all possible way! She believes in life being possible, always. She will never ignore or turn down an opportunity to prove to the world who was wrong about her nor a chance to use her gift/talent! For the better! She believes that she has a lot of potential in her talent to use her words to inspire others (the world) for what they need in life to get what they want in life!

Has inspired many through Tumblr already since October 2014 and is always proud and happy for what I have to them! Inspiring others is one of the many things on my list that make me happiest! Part of the person I have finally become! Some people on Tumblr really APPRECIATE my help, advice and inspiration! And that it has helped them so much! Being positive, happy, and anything they all want to gain as a human being! I have to say that I’m so happy since I started blogging! It has changed my life again, just like many others (both things/inspiration and people)! I will continue to “INSPIRE” others as for the feeling I get in result! Happiness and that warm fuzzy feeling for helping others through using my talent to “inspire”! This makes me so happy with all that I’ve done since Day 1! Thank you! And feel free to check out my blog: Laura1646! Old blog, new currently active account: hopelessromanticbelieber (Bella Living With Mental Illness)

A blogger on Tumblr (laura1646/hopelessromanticbelieber) and Facebook! Something she has a passion and experience in! And an inspiring person to the world from her #1 true fave inspiration: Justin Bieber! He’s inspired me in so many ways that many can never imagine! And that has changed my life, the person I am today, my perspective on life and the thoughts that became a part of me. And will remain forever! No matter what. Through thick and thin, and times where it may be a lot of pain may be but having the strength, courage, posifivity, confidence and belief in myself to work hard. It may be hard but I always know it’s always worth it all in the long run! I believe it all pays off eventually! Be patient. The time to achieve/live your dreams will come someday! Never think any negative thoughts. Keep being positive and positive things will happen! It can do way more than you can ever imagine!

Selena Gomez is also another amazing & beautiful person who has inspired so much already and I’m so glad I chose to. She has helped me accept my flaws for what they are instead of wanting to change them. There’s so many others out there who I am proud to say they have also inspired me ad I’m so blessed and thankful for… All they’ve done for me. Bad that is part of the person I’ve become. Many are such as my own family…I’ve been this person since prob either late 2013 or early 2014 and I’ve enjoyed the ride!

Fans: Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Hilary Duff, Madison Beer, Nickelback, Daughtry, Dove Cameron, Demi Lovato

Sports: all – hockey, football… I don’t mind them and woild totally see and watch games on tv and in stadiums…



Laura Annabelle
Our Creative Time

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.