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More of Apple’s Three Week Strength Program
Hey, that was fun!
I had to wait until Sunday to get back to these workouts because of a cancer checkup, some extended shopping, and other stuff. So my first week will be closer to two weeks before I’m done.
This workout was with Greg, a trainer two years older than I am. While I’m in better shape than most people my age, this guy is in better shape than I was at any age.
This was another full-body workout. I raised the dumbbells to ten and fifteen pounds, and they raised my heart rate to 151 by the end, but I wasn’t out of breath and I recovered quickly.
But now I have a problem. I don’t have any heavier dumbbells and will probably need them by the end of these workouts. When I was a young buck, I could press — not jerk — a 100 pound dumbbell over my head with either arm. I doubt I’ll ever do that again, but 15 pounds won’t be enough.
I could buy a pair of twenties, but I really have no place to put them. A rack would also take up room we do not have. We do have a nice gym at our club house and it has a full set of dumbbells — but doing these workouts…