CS ❤ Mr Bingo

Creative Social
Our Events
Published in
3 min readOct 6, 2016

This week we kicked off a new series of events at Shoreditch House that puts a spotlight on some of the most interesting individuals that we’ve met from across the London creative industries.

And what better way to kick things off than with everyones favourite hate mailer Mr Bingo!

Bingo talked us through 37 things he’s learnt throughout his career so far. It was bloody brilliant, and we highly recommend following him on twitter (@Mr_Bingo) so you can keep up to date with what he’s up to.

Before we kicked off the session we asked everyone in the audience to write 1 thing that they had learnt in their career on the back of vintage postcards (hate mail style :)). Mr Bingo picked his favourite three:

And here are some more of our favourites:

What 1 thing have you learnt throughout your career so far? Send them to us on Twitter (Creative Social) and we might give you something nice :)

Keep an eye out for more ‘CS ❤’ events in 2017.



Creative Social
Our Events

We accelerate creative thinking through events, curation, new collaborations, brand projects and workshops.