Trends and Inspiration from SXSW 2016

Creative Social
Our Events
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2016

I was fortunate enough to spend nearly a week in Austin for SXSW Interactive 2016 which outside our Creative Social events, is still one of the most enriching events of the year. I had the pleasure to present some of the key trends and inspiration at a CS Breakfast at ADCN (thanks Dinesh for hosting):

Here is a summary of the my key take-outs and inspiration:

Human experience is everything

This was a landmark year for me in that it was widely recognised that technology should be invisible and human experience is everything.

“Ensure that humanity is not lost as a result of technology. Technology should be invisible” — JJ Abrams


I am still not sold by virtual reality and the reason why is best encapsulated by this photo:

But when Kevin Kelly said “VR will become the most social of social media” I was interested again.

Robots are not coming for our jobs…

… but they will replace tasks.

“AI is a natural extension of a relentless pursuit to automate tasks” — Jerry Kaplin, Futurist

So if you job is based on routine, then you should be worried.

My favourite graph

The one talk I need to catch up on

My favourite quote

“We are busy doing stuff in a futile attempt to have more time” Andy Puddicombe, Headspace

Maybe the Millennials and Gen Z are actually the smart ones!

My favourite slide

“Everything is a risk”:


Well done Angus and The Mill for winning in the VR & AR category at the 19th annual SXSW Interactive Innovation Awards for Mill Stitch. Always nice to see Socials Winning.

Caffeine fix

Get your fix here.

Still want one

Must see movie

Supported by the team at Sunshine. Thanks Nadya for the invite to the premiere.

A new age of creativity

Ultimately SXSW simply enforced our long held view that we are about to enter a new age of creativity and those people who are best placed to solve problems creativity will drive the economy. Kevin Kelly best summarised it when he said “I’d rather have an economy built on ideas and creativity rather than routine”.

CS Training

And finally, if you are interested in one of the Socials coming into your brand or agency to do a SXSW workshop, please get in touch. This just one of the many creativity workshops which form part of our CS Training offering.

About the author

Daniele Fiandaca is co-founder of Creative Social as well as Innovation Social and Token Man and also runs who own consultancy called Mutant.



Creative Social
Our Events

We accelerate creative thinking through events, curation, new collaborations, brand projects and workshops.