Introduction to the Green Economy: Principles and Concepts

Robert C. Brears
Our Future Water
Published in
Jun 17, 2024


Discover the world of green economics with ‘Introduction to the Green Economy: Principles and Concepts.’ This comprehensive guide explores the fundamental concepts that drive the green economy, including renewable energy technologies, sustainability practices, global environmental perspectives, and more.

Learn about the opportunities and challenges in transitioning to a green economy and how collaboration between governments, organizations, and communities can lead to a sustainable future. With insights from a leading expert, this book is essential for policymakers, professionals, scholars, and anyone interested in understanding the principles and applications of the green economy.

Dive into the interdisciplinary approaches that connect economics, technology, policy, and environmental science, and start your journey towards a greener and more prosperous world.



Robert C. Brears
Our Future Water

Robert is the author of Financing Water Security and Green Growth (Oxford University Press) and Founder of Our Future Water and Mark and Focus