Smart Water Management Innovations: Policies, Digital Solutions, and Grey-Green Infrastructure

Robert C. Brears
Our Future Water
Published in
2 min readAug 6, 2024


Welcome to this week’s edition of the “Our Future Water” newsletter. In this issue, we focus on innovatively implementing Smart Water Management strategies. Discover how smart policies, digital water management, and the transformation of grey infrastructure are reshaping the water sector, addressing scarcity, enhancing efficiency, and fostering sustainable development. Explore these advancements that pave the way for a resilient and adaptive water future.


Smart Water Policies for Managing Scarcity

Effective water management begins with smart policies aimed at addressing water scarcity. Governments and utilities are adopting integrated water resource management plans prioritizing sustainability and resilience. These policies often include measures such as demand forecasting, water use efficiency standards, and incentives for water-saving technologies. By implementing these strategies, regions can optimize water usage, ensure equitable distribution, and mitigate the impacts of droughts and other water-related challenges. This proactive approach conserves water resources and supports long-term economic and social stability, setting a benchmark for other sectors to follow in sustainable resource management. Discover how urban water managers enhance water security by shifting from large-scale, supply-side infrastructure projects to innovative demand-side management strategies.

Smart Digital Water Management

Adopting digital technologies in water management transforms how utilities monitor, manage, and optimize water systems. Smart meters, IoT sensors, and advanced analytics provide real-time data on water usage, leak detection, and system performance. These innovations enable utilities to identify and address inefficiencies quickly, reduce water loss, and improve service delivery. For instance, smart meters empower consumers with detailed usage information, promoting conscious water consumption and enabling utilities to implement dynamic pricing models. Utilities can enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure a sustainable and reliable water supply by embracing digital water management. Explore how Singapore’s Public Utilities Board leverages smart digital water management to enhance efficiency and address emerging challenges.

Grey-Green Infrastructure Solutions

Transforming traditional grey infrastructure into modern, digitalized grey-green solutions offers significant benefits for flood risk mitigation, economic development, and environmental improvement. Innovative projects integrate natural systems with engineered solutions, such as permeable pavements, green roofs, and constructed wetlands, to manage stormwater effectively. These hybrid systems reduce flooding, enhance urban green spaces, improve air and water quality, and provide recreational opportunities. Additionally, integrating digital technologies allows for real-time monitoring and adaptive management, ensuring optimal performance. This holistic approach to infrastructure development promotes resilience, supports biodiversity, and fosters sustainable urban growth. Read how Glasgow’s innovative ‘smart canal’ scheme revolutionizes rainfall management to prevent flooding and enhance water quality.



Robert C. Brears
Our Future Water

Robert is the author of Financing Water Security and Green Growth (Oxford University Press) and Founder of Our Future Water and Mark and Focus