Freedom Rings

The phone has been glued to her ear this whole time

Our Human Family
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2020


This poem is a part of “Equal People,” Our Human Family’s anthology of international poetry on equality and inclusivity.

Freedom rings
But someone snatches the phone
Before I can answer

“Freedom rings!”
MLK Jr.’s voice used to sing
He was wearing a suit
A nice one too
Preaching nonviolence
They shot him dead anyway

Are magical
The way they rip through flesh
As if it were just tissue

Freedom rings
But Malcolm X said
Freedom has to be taken
So I’m taking
Back what’s mine
One word —
One stanza at a time

Rappers swear
The “choppa” sings
But I keep thinking of
Mike Brown
Eric Garner
Alton Sterling
Honestly — not enough paper in the world
Enough space in my heavy heart
Enough room in my troubled mind
To know every name…



Our Human Family

"My pen isn't afraid to speak the truth" - Marsha Ambrosius