Honoring Our Veterans

OHF Weekly, Volume 4 Number 45

Our Human Family
Our Human Family


Letter from the Editor

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

When I think of the freedoms we have in America, I have to stop and remember that these freedoms — not just the obvious ones like free speech and self-government, but the full gamut — weren’t just handed over. They have been fought for by the men and women of the United States military so that all of us might remain free and enjoy said freedoms. Some even made the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives while in service.

America has throughout its history overlooked the contributions of select groups of people who have helped secure these freedoms. We can correct this travesty by acknowledging the sacrifices of all soldiers regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity. And supporting those soldiers when they return home to their families and continue that support later in life. It’s the least we can do.

To all the veterans I know — especially family and friends — and to all who have served this country so valiantly, thank you for keeping America strong and free at home and abroad.

Love one another.

Clay Rivers
OHF Weekly Editor-in-Chief

The Daily Edge Interview: Is God Love?

with Clay Rivers

Top photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

To say there’s a lot going on in the world would be an understatement. When you consider the strain of inflation; navigating our involvement in the war in Ukraine; partisan fractures within local, state, and federal government; social unrest; constantly shifting Covid mask mandates; suppression of the Black vote; not to mention the ways these events impact the lives of all Americans — it feels like society is being catapulted from one trauma headlong into the next. What a uniquely turbulent time to be alive.

A lack of time to process and recover from the trauma, the loss, the grief, the rage we find ourselves awash in as a response to these upheavals only worsens things. I don’t know about you, but that’s certainly been the case for me for at least the past few months. There are a number of topics that have weighed heavy on my mind I’ve wanted to address here in my letters from the editor. But in an effort to muscle through the day, I’ve brushed them aside — because who wants to hear what I’ve got to say about that stuff when experts in the field, people with more insight, more experience, funnier perspectives, more insightful perspectives, more extensive vocabularies, blah, blah, blah . . . can address these topics more adroitly.

Enter Providence, stage right.

Richard Hine, the mastermind behind the online publication, The Daily Edge, reached out to me for another interview about matters close to my heart as viewed through the lens of faith. The interview proved to be a deep dive into several topics. So, I present to you my latest interview with The Daily Edge’s Richard Hine, entitled, “Is God Love?

Write with Us

by Our Human Family

Photo by bady abbas on Unsplash

Do you write lively, human-centered articles that give readers a deeper understanding of the human experience? If so, come write with us. Check out our Submission Guidelines.

(Read the full article at Our Human Family)

Final Thought



Our Human Family
Our Human Family

The editors of Our Human Family, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit advocating for racial equity, allyship, and inclusion. https://ourhumanfamily.org 💛 Love one another.