It’s Not Racism that Separates Us, It’s Culture

Roasted turkey saved us once, it can do it again

B Kean
Our Human Family
Published in
8 min readNov 23, 2020


The cultural dominance of white people in America is being pressed upon by forces that are readily seen, heard, and felt — the number of people not looking, speaking and thinking just like them encroaches upon their majority.

This is a scary thing to happen to any people whose culture is the dominant one; and the reaction of many white people is similar to the reaction of majority cultures in countries all over the world through many different times. Take Rwanda, Malaysia, Congo, Russia, Germany, Israel, Japan, Korea, etc.

Eventually the powerful tool that racism becomes for the majority culture is overcome when the oppressed and the oppressors begin to talk and share experiences. Common woe forms bridges and those bridges close cultural chasms.

Disappearing Work

William Julius Wilson, a professor of sociology at Harvard University, has specialized in issues of urban sociology, race, and class for the past half century. His work on underclass and the disadvantaged in inner-cities inspired my cross-cultural graduate thesis about how the dissolution of the Soviet Union would have effected Russian society…



B Kean
Our Human Family

The past holds the answers to today’s problems. “Be curious, not judgmental,” at least until you have all the facts. Think and stop watching cable news.