New View 2020

OHF Newsletter, Vol 2 No 2

Our Human Family
Our Human Family
4 min readJan 10, 2020


Bartosz sujkowski on Unsplash

Happy new year!

Racism, bigotry, and injustice are big problems in America and we talk about these problems a lot. I think we spend a disproportionate amount of time focusing on the problem instead of the solution. And the solution to these issues? Equality.

Equality: (of people) having the same, status, rights, or opportunities.

We write about equality a lot here, as well we should. Equality is the through line of just about every article Our Human Family article you read. You see none of the aforementioned issues can exist where there is equality. That’s why equality is the through line of just about every article in Our Human Family.

When the call went out for our first editorial theme of the year, New View 2020, writers from around the world (yes, this week we can boast of two writer from outside the United States) came out of the woodwork with keyboards blazin’ and submitted articles brimming with not only foresight but actionable steps to bring us closer to a state of equality in 2020.

Hey, if you don’t aim something you won’t hit anything.

New This Week

“A New Look at the Basement”
Terry Barr

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

In our first story of the new year, Terry Barr examines childhood memories and discovers the Southern customs that created separate and unequal spaces in his family’s home.

“Beyond the Sight Lines of Racism”
stephen matlock

Photo by Nick Tiemeyer on Unsplash

stephen matlock writes specifically to people who want to end their own racism and bigotry. Based on his own experience he points out that there are myriad different ways to move out of racism, and all of them valid and available. Choosing which ones can be as simple as trying a doorknob to see if the door will open.

“Envisioning Action Against White Microaggressions”
Kim McCaul

In his first @ourhumanfam article, Australian and international traveler Kim McCaul takes a look at the everyday interpersonal racism of microaggressions that is easy to miss if you are not paying attention.

“Imagine a Better 2020: The Year of Contribution”
Mesut Bilgili

Photo by “My Life Through A Lens” on Unsplash

Despite how scary the political climate gets, Mesut Bilgili says that 2020 can be the Year of Contribution. In his first article for Our Human Family, he defines “contribution” as adding something positive to the world. It’s about doing what you can for your community. For him, this year is less about selfishness and more about honesty.

“It’s Time to See Girls for More Than Their Physical Beauty”
Lecia Michelle

Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

In this New View 2020 installment, Lecia Michelle expresses her vision of a world in which girls are accepted for all that they are and not judged solely for their physical appearance.

“Two Schools, Two Visions: One Bred Racism, the Other Nurtured Inclusion”
Glenn Rocess

Glenn Rocess shows that sometimes in matters of equality and racism, hindsight can be 20/20 . . . even in the Mississippi Delta.

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Love one another.

Clay Rivers
Our Human Family, Founder and Editorial Director



Our Human Family
Our Human Family

The editors of Our Human Family, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit advocating for racial equity, allyship, and inclusion. 💛 Love one another.