OHF Weekly: All Together Now

Volume 2 Number 25

Clay Rivers
Our Human Family



I doubt there are many who would disagree with the phrase a millions of people are muttering these days: What a time to be alive. Americans, and people the world over for that matter, are finding themselves faced with unheard of challenges. Any one of these challenges would be catastrophic enough to derail a life. Yet here many of us are, juggling chainsaws to stay alive and losing appendages and more along the way.

It seems to me we could stand to take note of the ant. Individually, who gives thought to one? So insignificant, its life is snuffed out for sport. But when ants work in unison toward a common goal, ants can affect a noticeable amount of change, both beneficial and detrimental.

This week’s Our Human Family articles point to the power individuals en masse. The life of the late Civil Rights leader and Representative John Lewis (D-GA) is a testimony to the concept of uniting to achieve great results. His ability to bring people together for singular purposes is legendary. Would his impact on America as a force for good have been the same had he been a lone agent for change. I doubt it.

If we want to see the change we dream of, like the ants, we will only make them a reality by working together. And those aren’t high hopes, folks.

Dig in, we’ve got some hot articles for you this week!

New This Week

A Tale of Two Cities: Portland in Protest and Seattle in Dissent
by Christyl Rivers, Phd.

Photo by Joan Villalon on Unsplash

Real history, says new contributor Christyl Rivers, Phd., is something that belongs to the people, and not simply to those whom statues memorialize. We are not only seeing history happen right now; we are the ones who are making it. (Article at Medium.com)

Inequality of Opportunity Abounds in Corporate America
by Alejandro Diaz

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

There are many places where inequality rears its head, says our newest writer, Alejandro Diaz, but one place that he has personal knowledge of is in the hiring and promotions that are managed by Human Resources departments. It’s time to see more minority employees in every level of a business. (Article at Medium.com)

John Lewis, a Giant in American History and Civil Rights
by Estacious(Charles White)

People like the late John Lewis still walk among us, says Estacious(Charles White), people who may be unnoticed, but who will walk with the confident strides of a lion. We must acknowledge our past and our present situation, not only to have the honest discussions about race, but also to raise up new activists who will fill out his shoes and use his legacy as a guide to create real equality. (Article at Medium.com)

There Is No Such Thing as a ‘White Ally,’ Part II
by Catherine Pugh, Esq.

Time to give the White Woobie free.

It’s not just the term “White Ally” that needs to be thrown out, says our newest OHF writer Catherine Pugh, Esq. We also need to critically examine the meaning and discard everything that isn’t useful — and there’s a lot to examine. (Article at Medium.com)

Why Can’t We Acknowledge Systemic Racism
by William Spivey

Returning OHF writer William Spivey talks about the difficulties in having a discussion about systemic racism when its existence is denied or put into the past. But until we agree that this is something we must talk about, the struggle to fight against it will go on. (continued at Medium.com)

Equality and Inclusion: Available Now for Download

OHF Magazine

Our limited-edition inaugural issue is a thirty-six-page, stylish journal rooted in the theme unity across differences and is packed with compelling stories and stunning visuals to connect with our readers on visceral and tangible levels. I hope you’ll join the movement to bring equality back (okay, bring equality to America for the first time) and access your copy now.

Let’s Stay Together

You can always find Our Human Family articles on Medium and Twitter, and friend-linked versions posted on our Facebook page for your convenience. Be sure to check out our Instagram page. Comment, follow us, and share our articles with people you think would enjoy them.

Love one another.

Clay Rivers
Our Human Family, Founder and Editorial Director



Clay Rivers
Our Human Family

Artist, author, accidental activist, & EIC Our Human Family (http://medium.com/our-human-family) and OHF Weekly (https://www.ohfweekly.org) Twitter: @clayrivers