The Flawed Psychology of the Middle-Aged Conservative White Man

Erik Deckers
Our Human Family
Published in
4 min readNov 23, 2019


Photo by James Pond on Unsplash

Do you want to understand why middle-aged conservative white men are freaking out about all the social changes in this country? Do you want to know what’s causing them to lose their shit and lash out at anyone or anything who threatens them?

I can tell you why.

Immigration, marriage equality, People of Color and women stepping into positions of power and prominence. Women getting their own superhero movies. Black people getting their own superhero movies. Sixteen-year-old Swedish girls lecturing the United Nations on climate change.

This stuff is freaking middle-aged conservative white men out. And whenever they speak up, they’re constantly — constantly — putting their feet in it and saying some of the stupidest stuff.

And I can tell you why.

It’s these changes that are drawing them to Donald Trump and the alt-right. They’re promising that things won’t change. Heck, we’ll even take them back to the way things were. You know, back then, when [insert non-middle-aged-conservative-white-male-person here] didn’t make such a fuss.

As an almost-middle-aged, decidedly not conservative, white dude, I know exactly what their problem is, and I can help you understand it.



Erik Deckers
Our Human Family

Professional writer, newspaper humor columnist, co-author of 4 social media books. First humor novel released May 2019.