The Viciousness of Corporate America Continues

Even in the middle of a global pandemic and historic racial unrest the cruelty continues

Alejandro Diaz
Our Human Family


On March 18 of this year, my coworkers and I got a nationwide notice from the company headquarters that all offices were to be closed indefinitely due to the Coronavirus and that we would be working remotely. We were anticipating this due to all the news updates about the deadly disease, but it was still difficult to believe that this was actually happening. We all rushed to pack our things and headed home with laptops in hand.

From the outset, we got video updates from our CEO. She stated that our health and safety were her priorities and promised that the firm would not let anyone go; there would be no layoffs during the pandemic. She came across as empathetic, kind, and transparent. She did a great job of putting us at ease. So we all fell into our remote routines and did the best we could under the horrific circumstances.

Then the police murdered George Floyd and protests erupted all around us. Our CEO once again stepped up to the plate. She immediately sent an email and set up a firm-wide video chat. She told us that she was appalled by the senseless murder and was determined to do her part to end racism and discrimination in our organization. Once again, we were…



Alejandro Diaz
Our Human Family

Alejandro Diaz writes about culture, politics, and the workplace. His new business, D & E Management Solutions, Embraces Humanity at work