Why We Need More Black Male Teachers

For starters, they make up only 2% of the teaching population

Our Human Family


Adobe Stock: by Monkey Business

Mr. Walker beckons Kenny to the board. Everyone can see shock strike straight through the young boy’s body. His finger jabs his chest.

Mr. Walker nods. “Yes. You. Come on up here and work number four out.”

Kenny sucks in a huge breath and hesitates. Mr. Walker waves him up to the front of the class again. Kenny slides out of his desk and drags his feet up to the huge whiteboard.

“He’s gonna work out number four for us,” Mr. Walker tells the class. It’s silent enough to hear a pen drop.

Kenny’s right hand shakes as he picks up an electronic marker. He stares at the board but doesn’t make a move to write on it. One minute passes, then two. The marker dangles in his hand. Mr. Walker waits patiently.

His hand slowly moves towards the board, but he yanks it back. He throws a nervous glance at his teacher. Mr. Walker’s eyes go back and forth between him and the board. He crosses his arms over his chest.

Kenny stares at the board once again. The math problem might as well be in Chinese. He places the marker against the board but doesn’t write anything.



Our Human Family

"My pen isn't afraid to speak the truth" - Marsha Ambrosius