Today’s Thought is “10 Ideas for Applying No-Limit Leadership to a Healthcare Executive”.

Chris Schenk (#ccschenk)
“Our” Idea Muscles


  1. Who made the rules in your Industry? Besides the Government and or Federal or State mandates if you didn’t make the rule why are you holding yourself to it?
  2. Who is the most important person in your business? If you said anything else besides the “Patient”you need to reevaluate your mindset and your business plan. This is healthcare people!!
  3. When are we going to start using more “Cutting Edge” technology (And “NO” Windows XP is not cutting edge technology.) and fully using the systems we already have in place?
  4. If you want a better ROI for your Technology dollar put in solutions that help you make thingsbetter, faster, and easier for the patients, clinicians, and doctors.
  5. Start utilizing every last function you can out of your current technology, and find ways to integrate those functions into your current workflow. Either make your current workflows better or scrap the workflow and start over. Don’t keep doing something just because “This is the way we’ve always done it here”.

If you’d like to see the other five ideas please check them out on the website at (

Please feel free to leave any ideas or thoughts you might have to this topic either here or at the website.

