Today’s Thought is “10 Ideas for Applying No-Limit Leadership to a Tech Executive”.

Chris Schenk (#ccschenk)
“Our” Idea Muscles
1 min readMar 2, 2015


  1. Who makes the rules in your industry? Is it “You”? If not, Why isn’t it “You”?
  2. Are you happy with the success you have achieved? Or do you want more?
  3. Is what you are offering the best it can be? Or could you make it better?
  4. When you look at your company is it Agile? Fast Moving? The Top Dog in it’s space? Is it leading the way? Is it a Pioneer in your industry? If “No” to any of these questions why isn't it?
  5. As a Tech Leader do you realize that if your company isn't doing well that it isn't because of the numbers, or the staff, or the number of other things you could blame… It “All” starts with “YOU” the Leader. So stop playing the blame game and get busy Leading!! Results are what matter, not blame.

If you’d like to see the other five ideas please check them out on the website at (

Please feel free to leave any ideas or thoughts you might have to this topic either here or at the website.

