(Picture by mmafightworld.com)

Today’s Thought is “How an MMA Fighter could use Social Media.”

Chris Schenk (#ccschenk)
“Our” Idea Muscles


  1. Twitter To spread information about upcoming fights, training, workout, or public appearances. (Example: Check out how Dana White ( @danawhite ) uses Twitter for the UFC.)
  2. Facebook To tell the fighters story. To give you more background on who they are and the things they are into outside of the cage.
  3. LinkedIn To show the fighter is a professional and to also let others know other skills and talents they have outside of the cage. Also to increase their personal brand and the brand of the organization they are fighting for.
  4. Instagram — To share their daily pictures of the life of a fighter and also to give people a rare look at the behind the scenes of what a fighters life is really like day in and day out.
  5. Website — A great place to get the fighters history and this can also be used as a marketing hub for all the activities of the fighter.

If you’d like to see the other five ideas please check them out on the website at (www.SchenkOrg.com).

Please feel free to leave any ideas or thoughts you might have to this topic either here or at the website.

