Enhancing User Experience in React Native Apps with Animated Transitions

Covenant Ifeoluwa
3 min readMay 17, 2024


Animations, I have always been fascinated by how they suck the users into a particular event. They can are really beautiful and can change the way a user perceives your app. It has proven to be a very essential and useful tool in this age and time where the world of mobile app development is going at a fast pace more especially when creating seamless and engaging user interface and experience is paramount. In the older days of mobile development, many developers tend to priotize the functionality over design in most cases but it has become more important to pay attention to the tools they can be use to engage users on every level and make advantage of a call-to-action in such tool to channel the users to do what is needed.

Significance of Animated Transitions
I will like to work you through the importance of animated transitions in mobile development and how you can leverage them effectively in your React Native projects. Animated transitions are more than just eye candy; they serve a functional purpose in enhancing user experience. By providing visual cues and feedback, animations can help users understand the flow of the app, navigate through different sections, and maintain context during transitions. Smooth and well-designed animations can make interactions feel natural and intuitive, leading to higher user engagement and satisfaction.

Implementing Animated Transitions in React Native

Now let take a beginners look at getting started with animated transitions in React Native. React Native provides a powerful Animated API that allows developers to create complex animations with ease. By leveraging this API, you can animate various elements such as views, images, and text, and even orchestrate transitions between screens. Here are some key techniques for implementing animated transitions in your React Native apps:

  1. Transitioning between screens: You can use the Animated library to create transitions between different screens in your app. You can animate the opacity, scale, position, and other properties of elements to create visually appealing transitions that guide users seamlessly from one screen to another.
  2. Gestures and interactions: You can also enhance user interactions by adding animated gestures to your app. Implement swipe gestures, drag-and-drop animations, and other interactive elements that respond to user input in a visually engaging manner. These animations can make the app feel more dynamic and responsive.
  3. Loading and content transitions: Also, Animations can also be used to improve the loading experience and transition between different states of content within the app. Consider using skeleton screens, fade-ins, and other animations to provide visual feedback during data fetching and content updates.

Getting Started
It is essential to have the Animated library installed in your React Native project. To install the Animated library, you can use npm by running the following command in your project directory:

npm install react-native-reanimated react-native-gesture-handler

After installing the necessary dependencies, you need to link the packages by running for your iOS:

npx pod install

You can start implementing animated transitions using the Animated API. I have an example of an Onboarding App I built using the Animated API. It’s a large codebase so I won’t be able to put it in this article. The design was inspired by a famous Figma designer. You can find it here.

Kindly check the code on github. Don’t forget to give a star and follow. Thank you. Below is how it looks like.

React Native provides a powerful Animated API that allows developers to create complex animations with ease. By leveraging this API, you can animate various elements such as views, images, and text, and even orchestrate transitions between screens. Here are some key techniques for implementing animated transitions in your React Native apps:

