Latrigg walk from Keswick — True Freedom Seekers

Our lake district
Published in
8 min readDec 29, 2020

So Latrigg is another epic little Wainwright to walk in the Lake District. Perhaps one of the most popular with it being so close to the nearby town of Keswick. And for its close proximity to the grand Skiddaw too. Our walk up to Latrigg was misty and damp but our moods didn’t wander. An easy family-friendly Wainwright to bag in Cumbria.

If you dear reader would like any other information regarding Latrigg in its beauty for you walk then do feel free to check out our information page. It has a good value about places to park and different routes up. So take some time out if you fancy checking them out.

Parking just off the A66 for the Latrigg walk

So as I’ve already mentioned before we did in fact start our walk up to Latrigg in Keswick. There are plenty of pay and display car parks in Keswick town centre itself but for us (freebie hunters) we parked down a back lane called Brundholme Road. It does get very busy down here.

To get here from Cockermouth, take the A66 towards Keswick. After seeing a turning for Portinscale, you’ll then see the first turning for Keswick. Ignore this, instead go up to the round-about. Here, take the turning (third exit) into Keswick.

Now you’ll pass The Filling Station Café on the left-hand side. Just after this take the little turning left, sign-posted for leisure pool. This brings you down a narrow back road, Brundholme Road. Be careful down here as there can be multiple walkers as well as plenty of cars. Passing a small group of houses on the left side, you’ll soon come to a slightly wider road. This is where you can park on the left-hand side.

You’ll also be able to see the pathway going off up towards Latrigg, the place where we’ll start our walk. Of course, if you’d be happier parking in a car-park then follow this road and it’ll bring you to the leisure centre where there is parking.

The walk from Keswick to the base of Latrigg

So after pulling up on the side of the road we watched as other Fell walkers packed there bags up and tied their boots up ready for their walk in the Lake District. Even though it’s a misty day in the Cumbria Fells it doesn’t mean it puts folks off. So we joined them, backpacks at the ready and we made our way towards the Wainwright.

Just a small point here. It’s also a great place to start your walk for Lonscale Fell, Skiddaw Little Man and of course Skiddaw. Anyhow, we pretty much follow the Cumbrian Way up towards Latrigg on our walk. Starting at Spoonygreen Lane. You’ll cross the bridge over the A66. And pass through a huge gate. Here, there will also be a little information board on the left-hand side. This has information about wildlife in the area. A good little read and a great excuse to catch your breath.

The many routes of Latrigg in the Lake District

As you climb it is pretty steep may I add. We had glances over at each other and faint smiles wondering why it felt so hard on the legs. Especially when others were running past. I mean we’d climbed so many Wainwrights in such a small amount of time, why was this one feeling harder than other Fells. I genuinely believe it is because there is no warming up sessions. It is literally straight into walking the incline up this Wainwright.

You’ll notice a couple of paths heading off towards the right from the Fellside of Latrigg on your walk. This is an awesome place to really find different paths up. It will take you through the woods where you have the chance to see some wildlife. We have seen many a deer in here which was a delight. As well as getting a little lost. But we made it out the other end to tell our stories, so you’ll be fine. Just be careful if the forestry commission is there doing work. Then make sure you stick to the routes which they marker out for you.

Also, be careful as some of the routes can take you through some pretty churned up ground. On a separate visit we had, there had obviously been some big machinery in the woods as their tyres had left some deep treadmarks, then, in complete mud. Wonderfully slippery in the wet weather.

Following the Cumbrian Way up towards the Wainwright

For us, however, we just followed a couple of other hikers up the Cumbrian Way, ignoring the turnings for the other paths. This will lead upwards, leaving the woods and coming out onto a more open path skirting along the side of Latrigg outer Fellside on your walk. Giving some beautiful views over Keswick and the Borrowdale Valley. As well as Catbells and Derwent Water. You’ll probably be able to see the little tiny ant people on Barrow too. I do love looking out for them!

Heading over a couple of streams and through another gate, you’ll soon be heading up near the new tree plantation. Again providing views of the almighty Skiddaw. On this occasion, not so many views but you might be able to see the forth highest Wainwright on your visit. These places here are the perfect opportunity to get some amazing views of the Lake District and snap some photos up.

Following the walk up towards Latrigg, you’ll come to a junction path. Following straight on will bring you out to another car park, instead, ignore this and turn right, also signposted for Latrigg summit. We’re nearly there. I remember here me and Zoe were talking about our walk the next day. And after seeing Barrow we made the decision it would be that one. The Wainwright of Barrow would be the next one to tick off our Wainwright list.

Heading on up towards the summit of Latrigg on our walk from Keswick

It goes without saying that this route is a pretty simple route. Like I said before if you have more time or want to get lost in some woods or explore a little then head into them. Explore them, it really is a great place to take the family and enjoy getting back into nature.

Following the path in which the signpost directed us, we continued to walk towards the summit of Latrigg. This will zig-zag around a couple of times with mini hairpin bends (in walkers term). Again in the wet weather, they’ll be a small trickle of water in the ridges of the path. For us, it was still a pretty warm day and with the constant climb, we were enjoying ourselves. Even with the big grey clouds.

The summit of Latrigg looking down on Keswick

Soon on your walk, you’ll come to see the well-known bench that sits on Latrigg. Not only is it the perfect spot to enjoy the views over Borrowdale, Derwent Water and Keswick but it also offers a well earned resting place. Take a seat and enjoy the views. This is a super popular place with the most perfect photo opportunities.

Although, the bench doesn’t actually mark the summit of Latrigg. So, if you’re bagging the Wainwrights you might want to keep on heading past the bench. The true summit at the end of the walk of Latrigg is actually a rather dull grassy mound. Perfect for the Herdwick Sheep that you’ll no doubt see grazing around. What lovely fellows they are. Zoe actually loves these sheep more than you probably should haha and she thinks she can talk to them too. Baa.

With the lack of trees and a shelter it can soon get pretty chilly up here when you stand around for a while, so remember as always to pack some warmer clothes for the top. Only taking an hour to walk and reach the top of this Wainwright of Latrigg it’s a good quick one to tick off. But the views will last much longer in your memory box.

The views from Latrigg the Wainwright on our walk

Standing at 368m or 1207ft, Latrigg and the walk to the top still holds some amazing views over the Lake District. I’m now going to make a point of saying on a ‘good day’ the views immense. Apologies from our photos as you will not see all of the mountains around the Lakes. And throughout our walk, we didn’t see some of them at all, but they are there. I promise you.

Looking north you might be able to see Skiddaw and Skiddaw Little Man. Moving from the north-east to the east, you’ll perhaps see the likes of Blencathra and onto towards Great Mell Fell and Little Mell Fell. Helvellyn and Raven Crag to the south-east. And then to the south should be Walla Crag and even Scafell Pike on a really clear day. But not today.

South-west to the west you may be able to see Dale Head and Catbells as well as Grisdale Pike. And of course, on the corner is Dodd. Another one of my favourites. Writing about all the Wainwrights is making me realise I have too many favourites.

The walk back towards Keswick from Latrigg

So a high five and a well-earned break for us, of course, resulting in half of our backpacks being eaten. Only the food, not the actual backpacks haha, then we set off. The walk back down off Latrigg was the same way that we went up. Not for the reason of time, but the clouds were looking ominous and a hot chocolate in Keswick was sounding more and more appealing by the minute.

Latrigg is to Keswick what Loughrigg Fell is to Ambleside and Helm Crag to Grasmere: a small hill, an excellent viewpoint, and a great favourite to local folk and visitors.

Alfred Wainwright

I can highly recommend Jaspers in Keswick on Station Street. I had the most amazing white hot chocolate, which right now I would happily have again. It was delicious and they serve food as well. It’s a small quaint little café but we love it. And I’ve just checked for you, yes they still do the white hot chocolate. Have one for me won’t you?

I hope you have enjoyed reading about our walk up this small but pretty awesome Wainwright of Latrigg. If you have then feel free to check out our other blogs below or drop us a comment on your experience up the Fell too. And if you want to see some more things to do in the Lake District then click here.

Originally published at on December 29, 2020.



Our lake district

We are twin sisters who blog on all things Lake district. Our passion and our dreams in one. Find out more at 😀