Gaining 100 Followers on Medium in 4 Days: My Strategy and Tips”

Kianna Brown
Bubble Life
Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2022
100 Followers, 100 Followers On Medium, Writers On Medium, New Writers Welcome, Audience, Followers

It is not uncommon for people to start writing on Medium as a way to share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences with a larger audience. Some people may have started writing on Medium to share their expertise on a particular subject, while others may have started writing as a way to document their personal journey or to share their creative writing with others.

There are many reasons why people may choose to write on Medium. Some people may want to use the platform to establish themselves as thought leaders in their field, while others may want to use it as a way to connect with like-minded individuals and build a community. Additionally, some people may see writing on Medium as a way to improve their writing skills or to share their work with a larger audience.

Overall, the decision to start writing on Medium is a personal one, and people may have different motivations for doing so. But whatever the reason, Medium can be a great place to share your writing with a wider audience and connect with other people.

100 Followers, 100 Followers On Medium, Writers On Medium, New Writers Welcome, Audience, Followers

My Strategy and Tips

Gaining 100 followers on Medium in just 4 days is a big deal, and there are a few things you could do to make this happen. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Publish high-quality content: The most important factor in attracting followers on Medium is the quality of your content. Make sure to write well-researched and engaging articles that provide value to your readers.
  2. Utilize tags and categories: Use relevant tags and categories when publishing your articles on Medium to make it easier for readers to discover your content.
  3. Promote your content on social media: Share your articles on your social media accounts and ask your friends and followers to share them as well. This can help bring new readers to your content.
  4. Engage with other writers and readers: Comment on other articles and participate in discussions to build relationships with other writers and readers on the platform.
  5. Join Medium publications : Join publications related to your interests or topics you write about, and contribute to the discussions by commenting and sharing your articles.
100 Followers, 100 Followers On Medium, Writers On Medium, New Writers Welcome, Audience, Followers

By following these strategies, you can increase your chances of attracting more followers to your Medium account. However, it’s important to note that gaining followers on any platform takes time and effort, and the rate at which you gain followers may vary.

Since I am still learning and do not yet have all the answers, I can only hope that I was able to help you as much as I could. If you found this useful, please leave some claps and comments and follow. Thank you



Kianna Brown
Bubble Life

A happy mother of 2 beautiful boys, happily married to my best friend for 10 years. Love to write and a proud Texan