New company, same challenge

I first joined Medium to publish the stages of overhauling the Help Centre at Redgate Software, that publication can be found here:

Exactly one year on, I found myself at a new company with a near identical challenge — revamp the unloved Help Centre with it’s outdated and limited selection of content. (Pictured below)

I joined GoCardless in July 2016, and one of my first goals was to introduce a new Help Centre, alongside our shiny new help desk Zendesk. The goal, in short, is to help our customers to help themselves.

During my interview with our CEO, I wasn’t shy in lambasting their current Support Centre and stating this would be one of my top priorities when joining. This would help the team scale by reducing the need for customers to contact us to answer every question, and most importantly provide our customers with a better experience of GoCardless Support.

In a similar fashion to my previous Help Centre publication, I’ll be running through the stages of this project in separate posts, documenting the challenges and considerations we faced along the way. I’ll also be comparing the experience of working on our Help Centre at Redgate vs. GoCardless; there was a real contrast in how we achieved this at both companies.



Daniel Mooney
Our new Help Centre — new company new challenges!

Slightly obsessed by Customer Support, Francesco Totti and Christopher Walken impressions. @danielpeam for mostly inappropriate tweets.