Making sense of the notes from the planning meeting!

Daniel Mooney
Our new Help Centre


We’ve taken the notes and ideas from the initial planning meeting and cut them into the next steps. We’ve broken the objectives into smaller stories which will be assigned to an owner in our next meeting, they will then be responsible for working with the appropriate teams in Redgate to complete that story.

Below is the provisional project plan to help the team and others see the progress/goals/due dates of the stories, as well as the owners so they know who to reach out to. This is a rough attempt to map out the plan for the project so no doubt we will tidy this after our next meeting! The stories are the larger steps we need to complete in order to achieve our Objectives. The goals explain in a bit more detail what exactly the aim of the story is. (Again this is just a rough plan which will be revamped in our next meeting!)

For clarification on who the teams we need to collaborative with;

Tech Comms = Responsible for technical documentation

The Agency = Brand & marketing specialists

CORE = Responsible for developing, implementing and maintaining internal and external infrastructure (Internal Development team)

We‘ve chosen to use the Zendesk Help Centre to host our content. The reasoning behind this is primarily simplicity — we are already Enterprise customers so its included in our plan. We have a number of functions within Redgate using Zendesk and other teams could potentially follow suit with their own Help Centres should this be a success. We would like to be in a position where support engineers can easily publish interesting tickets or solutions they post to the Help Centre via Zendesk.



Daniel Mooney
Our new Help Centre

Slightly obsessed by Customer Support, Francesco Totti and Christopher Walken impressions. @danielpeam for mostly inappropriate tweets.