Phase one poised for completion

Daniel Mooney
Our new Help Centre
2 min readJun 12, 2015

A reminder of our project plan:

The Building phase of our project is nearing completion; we have agreement across the team of the design and the systems we’ll use for content.

We’ve been trawling help centres to find inspiration of how we’d like ours to look and feel, luckily @Kayako had a blog highlighting some of their favourites which saved us a lot of time!

Looking at these beautifully crafted help centres heaped further shame on our current page (below).

I loved the simplicity of Squarespaces Help Centre: Compared to the visual assault of information on our current page its an artistic masterpiece.

These are our rough drafts which we’ll be talking our web team through this week. They’ll help design this in such a way that it has the look and feel of our Redgate site. Most importantly we hope it provides our customers with a better experience of our help centre.

< We’re not the greatest of artists but you get the idea!

Next steps:

  1. Propose design to web team for Help Centre to go live within 2 weeks.
  2. Work with Technical Authors to create content using Confluence.
  3. Team meeting to review Phase 2 (Content) of the project.



Daniel Mooney
Our new Help Centre

Slightly obsessed by Customer Support, Francesco Totti and Christopher Walken impressions. @danielpeam for mostly inappropriate tweets.