Baking With a Friend

Julianna Z
Our Oakland Magazine
3 min readMay 16, 2024

How do people come to terms with intense and complex emotions? There are many different ways to cope with emotional distress: drawing, writing, and listening to music are all some popular methods. However, Latitude students Kevin Wong and Julianna Calahong-Zamora used baking as a way to cope with feelings of stress, anger, and confusion.

“Women cooking at stove in kitchen” by Katerina Holmes. Source: Public Domain.

On Saturday, March 9. 2024, Kevin and Julianna participated in emotional healing through the art of baking. The students searched the kitchen pantry for the ingredients necessary to bake brownies. They found flour, cocoa powder, marshmallows, chocolate chips, and all the ingredients they needed.

As the oven preheated, Julianna’s emotional state mirrored the chaotic whirlwind of ingredients on the countertop. Nervous energy emanated from her as she measured out the flour, her hands slightly trembling. The gentle aroma of melting chocolate filled the room, sparking a mix of emotions for Julianna: sadness, anger, and a hint of happiness at the comforting presence of Kevin.

“I’ve had a really tough week,” Julianna admitted, her voice soft and reflective. “Baking has always been an emotional escape for me, and I’m hoping it’ll help me sort through these conflicting emotions.”

While Kevin folded in the chocolate chips, he listened attentively to Julianna’s emotional unraveling. The kitchen became a space for vulnerability, as the two blended their struggles with the batter, each stir representing a step towards emotional healing.

Julianna’s nerves melted away with the chocolate, and a newfound sense of calm washed over her as she watched the marshmallows slowly incorporate into the mix. The once-tearful eyes now sparkled with a hint of joy. Kevin, sensing the transformation, offered a comforting smile and a gentle nod of understanding.

“I feel so much better,” Julianna confessed, wiping away her tears. “It’s weird how something as simple as baking with a friend can bring such clarity.”

The oven timer chimed, signaling that the brownies were ready. As the pair carefully removed the tray, the aroma of warm chocolate and gooey marshmallows filled the kitchen, mimicking the emotional warmth that had blossomed between Kevin and Julianna.

Sitting down to savor their creation, the students discovered that the brownies were not just a culinary success but also a metaphorical triumph over emotional troubles. With each flavourful bite, Julianna found herself embracing a newfound sense of happiness and resolution.

As they savored the last crumbs of their delicious creation, Kevin and Julianna reflected on their shared experience and the healing nature of baking. In the midst of an emotional storm, a simple act of whipping up brownies had brought a meaningful transformation, leaving the two with not only a batch of sweet treats, but also a strengthened bond and a sense of emotional rejuvenation.

“I never thought baking brownies could be so emotional,” Julianna admitted, a genuine smile gracing her face. “But having Kevin by my side made me feel like it was going to be okay… It’s as if the warmth of the oven melted away my worries.”

As they savored the last crumbs of their delicious creation, Kevin and Julianna reflected on their shared experience and the healing nature of baking. In the midst of an emotional storm, a simple act of whipping up brownies had brought a meaningful transformation, leaving the two with not only a batch of sweet treats, but also a strengthened bond and a sense of emotional rejuvenation.

