Short Days

camilo a
Our Oakland Magazine
2 min readMay 21, 2024
Illustration from Public Domain.

Do you need more breaks? For finishing missing homework or just working in general? I am a student who needs more time to work on homework, and if I had shorter school days I would have more time to work on homework.

Long days equal stress, and stress equals drastic measures. According to Steven Zauderer of Cross River Therapy, 50% of middle school students reported feeling stressed over academics all the time, while 75% of high school students felt the same. 61% of teenagers between the ages of 13 and 17 feel stress over producing satisfactory grades. Around 500 Japanese students below the age of 20 kill themselves each year. If we have shorter school days, we’ll feel less stress! Students need shorter days because they will feel less pressure and therefore have less anxiety.

We should also have shorter school days, because students need more time to work on homework. Maybe some students have a lot of homework or missing work, tests, or Exams. Rachel D said,By the time they are finished with the school day and their activities, there isn’t much time for them to complete homework.”

Many people believe that work and school should have the same hours so that they can get used to what they have to do for work, but that shouldn’t really be true because school is meant for you to learn, not stay there for a very long time. School is meant for you to get used to work in some ways, but still we need some breaks.

If we have shorter days, we could have better grades, and everybody doesn’t have to be grumpy and tired. Students need shorter days so that we can have a break to finish homework and tests or exams. Ask the principal if you want shorter days.

Works Cited

Zauderer, Steven. “47 Stress Statistics (High School / College).” Cross River Therapy, 19 September 2023.

D., Rachel. “High School Pressure: Why Students Need Shorter Days.” Huffington Post / Teen Ink, 12 November 2021.

