World Cup 2022 in Latitude High’s Perspective

Katie M.
Our Oakland Magazine
2 min readDec 10, 2022
World Cup 2022 opening ceremony. by U.S. Department of State From Wikimeida. U.S.C. § 101 and § 105 and the Department Copyright Information.

The World Cup can be a very important event to many people around the globe. Here at Latitude High we made a survey to see different opinions on the World Cup. A question we had was “What team do you go for?” 20% said Brazil, 20% said Argentina, 15% said Mexico, 5% said Germany and 50% said they weren’t sure. I had a feeling that there were going to be a few people that weren’t going to be sure what team they went for because not everyone that took the survey played soccer or knew anything about it. These numbers show variations on what the school thinks of who will probably win the World Cup. Seeing variations of things helps understand how our school can have similarities or differences. Most people are similar because they mostly have the same idea in each question.

A student from Latitude taking the survey photo. Image by Katie Melendez.

We asked questions about Race, Grade or Staff, and when they got interested in soccer. Out of all the races most people that answered are Hispanic, the second most was White. This ratio shows if different races think alike or if people think like others the same race as them. The majority of people’s opinions were the same from their race. Most people that took the survey were 9th graders the second most was 10th. We asked a question about when they got interested in soccer and most people said when they were young. We saw that most students played soccer at a young age and as they grew up they continued to be interested in soccer.

Overall, the World Cup has been very successful and brings many emotions to many students and staff here at Latitude. As you walk through the lovely hallways of Latitude High School you’ll see very excited faces on the students and staff faces while watching the game during the second period. Everyone yelling when the team they go for makes a goal or wins. People have different opinions on it but at the end of the day one team is going to win. But in general it’s still fun and exciting to spend time with family and friends watching something you can all enjoy. Even students here at Latitude watch it in class with their teachers and it’s a very fun time. As of this day there are only 11 more days of the World Cup left so may the best team win!

