Our Jester vs. Beyonce’s 

lostmy.name team
The making of lostmy.name book
2 min readFeb 21, 2013


The girl reached a grand stone courtyard, and on a bench was sat,
When a funny-looking man sprang up, bells jangling on his hat.

‘Aha’, the man cried, ‘What is this? I’ve never seen a girl so glum!’
And he blew an enormous raspberry (but not out of his bum).

Then he stood on his head, crossed his eyes, and sang out loudly in glee,
‘I’m a Jester and making girls laugh is my speciality!’

‘I’m sorry,’ said the little girl, ‘and I do like to watch you clown,
But you see I’ve lost my name, and can’t help feeling rather down.’

‘Lost your name?’ spluttered the Jester. ‘Is that some kind of joke?’
And he made a couple of chickens appear, out from under his cloak.

‘It’s no joke’ sighed the little girl. ‘I’ve been looking for it all day.’
‘Then here’, said the Jester, ‘take my jesting stick, topped with a letter J.’

He did a roly poly, and then made both of his ears wiggle,
Then pulled a face so gruesome the girl couldn’t help but giggle!


I don’t know if Beyonce looked at our Jester before coming up with hers (BTW we would love to make a book for baby Ivy Blue if you know where to send it to) but we properly chuckled at the sight of this one in her new ad for o2 during the Brit Awards yesterday….

We are launching very soon - get your kid’s name to the private beta list

