Patsy Mokungah
Our Pastiche
Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2020



I’m so glad you’re here and that we can get to know a little more about each other.

Firstly my name is Patsy Pasom Mokungah and I’m fully Nigerian. My names are not generally popular in Nigeria so I get asked about my nationality a lot even though I’ve lived in Nigeria my entire life. Now that you know my name, here’s 5 more things about me;
1. I’m an ambivert: It’s totally a thing. The first ever personality test I took was sometime in Jss3/Ss1 (Secondary school) and it was split right down the middle. Everyone was either an introvert or extrovert and easily fit in one place with the answers while my answers were all over the place, and to a large extent that’s my personality, it’s split all over the place. I enjoy the outdoors when I’m out and I love the indoors when I’m in. I can be boisterous and loud and shy and quiet. I’m both sides of the coin depending on the factors around me.

2. I don’t wear watches: it’s super weird, but when I wear a watch (usually analogue), it dies within two weeks. It doesn’t matter if it’s brand new or if I’ve changed the battery severally. It will not survive more than two weeks. I have not found anything online that say this is an official thing, but many people have come out to say they experience the same thing. For a long time in my life I just wore dead watches to fulfil all righteousness but now I’ve given up. A friend suggested I try digital watches but honestly they aren’t my style. I am seriously considering it though.

3. If there is spaghetti on the menu, I am ordering it: it’s really a given. I have had fantasies of swimming in a bowl of delicious spaghetti (don’t judge me). It is also the major reason why I want to visit Italy. I deserve to pay respect to the place of origin of my favorite meal. I love it so much!

4. I love to dress up: I have always loved to. I could literally go out, not for the enjoyment of the event, but because I get a chance to get all dolled up. I genuinely enjoy getting all dressed up. I am always more likely to dress up than to dress down. I actually worry about being over dressed for an event. I’m learning to be way more simpler as I grow up. I still enjoy it a lot though.

5. I live by lists: I make a list for everything. Shopping, packing, activities to be done, you name it. I actually have a little notebook I carry everywhere which is dedicated to just lists. It’s a by product of loving to write things down. This entire post is the product of a list. Lol.

I actually could probably come up with 5 more things or more but I’d like to know a thing or 5 about you. Feel free to leave a comment telling me about yourself or if we have anything in common.

