Favourite Holiday Snaps

A Difficult Choice, But The Keukenhof Photographs Well

Elisa Bird
Our Photo Stories


(July prompt for Our Photo stories)

View of spring flowers, Keukenhof Gardens, Lisse, Netherlands
Tulips and other spring flowers at Keukenhof Gardens, Lisse, Netherlands. Photo by the author, April 2022

Ever wondered where people who live in the Canary Islands go for their holidays? Used to being surrounded by mountains, in 2022 I fancied a visit to somewhere flat, but inspiring. The Netherlands always looks good, so here are some photos.

The Keukenhof is a spring garden, open to the public from March to May. We got lovely weather on this holiday but, if I had been homesick for Spain, this colour combination would have helped:

Red and yellow tulips, Keukenhof, Lisse
Red and yellow tulips, like the Spanish flag. Photo by the author, Keukenhof, April 2022

Information that might be useful in a pub quiz: the Netherlands used to be part of the Spanish Empire, but we’ve all got over it now.

A wonderful contraption

The music from this would cheer anyone up:

Contraption for playing suitably Dutch music at Keukenhof.
Wonderful musical contraption, by Henk van Heuvel, Keukenhof. Photo by the author April 2022.

No, I don’t know the people hiding behind it. You can make up names for them if you like.



Elisa Bird
Our Photo Stories

Freelance Journalist, Investigator, Linguist and Copywriter. Serial migrant, now living in Canary Islands. Loves pigs, aeroplanes, volcanoes, logic and justice.